5 Tips To Be Healthier (And Happier) In 2022

Being healthy is a good goal, but what does that mean? What’s the recipe for health? There is no single recipe for health — there are many. Research shows that the healthiest people eat more fruits and vegetables, consume less sugar and alcohol, are more physically active and do not smoke.

There’s also growing evidence that mindfulness, social connections and cognitive engagement all contribute to health. For the purposes of this article, I’ll focus on five tips for being healthier in 2022, but you can use these tips now to make positive changes in your life. These five tips include: eat well, move more, be mindful, build social connections and learn new things.

We will all experience declines in our physical abilities as we age, but being physically active and eating well can help us stay fit and healthy longer. When it comes to eating well, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil. Eating right is not only good for us now, but also has benefits that may not be clear until later in life.

  • Move more

Exercise is important for improving your physical health, but it’s also vital for maintaining your mental health. Exercise releases endorphins (hormones that make us feel good) and it helps us sleep better at night and feel more energized during the day.

  • Be mindful

Focus on the present moment by meditating or practicing yoga. Take deep breaths during stressful moments rather than reaching for a snack or trying to solve your problems right away. Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated — it could mean taking time out of your day just to breathe deeply and allow yourself time to relax.

  • Build social connections

Humans evolved as social creatures and we benefit from human interaction on all levels — mentally, physically and emotionally. Make an effort to eat dinner with friends or family members at least once a week. Go out with coworkers after work rather than sitting at home alone in front of the TV.

  • Learn new things

You should always be learning something new.  It doesn’t have to be a formal education like attending classes or reading books (although both of those things are valuable). You could learn something by watching videos on YouTube or reading articles online. Learning stimulates your brain and body, which keeps you active and alert throughout the day


Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.