Why You Shouldn’t Charge Your Phone Like This: Huge Mistake That Ruins Your Battery

Source: Unsplash

We all want our phones to survive as long as possible, so taking care of the battery is key. Well, that, of course, and to be able to charge it quickly and get the best experience!

Avoiding a charging method at all costs that might damage your phone’s battery is necessary. So, are you making this mistake? Read out below to find out!

Why Should You Avoid Charging Your Phone Like This?

Let’s picture this: You’ve just bought an expensive smartphone and want to save some money, so you buy a charger and some accessories that might not be the best match. Can you see the error here?

The battery in your phone is only as good as the charger you use to charge it. By getting a bad charger for your phone, you can highly damage it. How’s that possible? It’s actually easy if you see the big picture here, but let’s find out exactly where the issue lies.

As previously said, cutting a few bucks from your tech accessory budget is a bad idea since it will cost you more money in the long run. And if you don’t believe that, here’s what a specialist says:

When plugged into a low-quality charger, iPhones are exposed to unsafe levels of power, which can cause permanent damage to their internal components. This type of charging can also lead to overheating, which can cause serious malfunctioning or even an explosion due to the presence of flammable lithium cells inside the battery, explained Prabhsharan Singh, Software Developer.

How to Avoid That Issue?

Singh advises us to always choose the original stuff, like the charger the phone manufacturer has developed.

You might as well try not to leave your phone plugged in for more than necessary, and using a wall socket is the best option. Obviously, you can always go for a power bank because they’re easy to use, and you can actually take one with you wherever you go!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.