By 2023, Nvidia Shield TV Users Will No Longer Be Able To Use GameStream

Credit: Nvidia

Users of Nvidia’s Shield TV received some disappointing news today when the company announced that it would stop providing support for its GameStream service beginning at the beginning of next year. This type of modification is a major blow, particularly considering that the Nvidia Shield TV is not like a PC and is restricted to certain characteristics of the operating system as well as the hardware itself. The wonderful gaming experience that users of Shield TV were able to enjoy at 4K resolution and 60 frames per second was made possible by the robust GameStream function.

Well that’s a slap in the face from ShieldAndroidTV

The email containing the news was sent straight from Nvidia and was posted on Reddit. Many members of the subreddit ShieldAndroidTV are highly upset about the planned change as a result of it. According to what is said in the email sent by Nvidia, the adjustment will be implemented in the form of an update that will become available in the middle of February. Following the installation of this update, GameStream will no longer be available for use.

The email instructs users to try out Steam Link, an application that operates in a comparable manner and provides the same level of support for hardware as GameStream does; however, many users have voiced their dissatisfaction with the results, claiming that they are not on par with those provided by Nvidia. Naturally, people will have quite different experiences, which is why you should always give anything a go before making a final judgment on it.

GeForce Now, Nvidia’s game streaming service, is recommended to individuals who have been impacted as well by Nvidia. Users may subscribe to this completely separate service in order to have access to powerful PCs and play games while streaming over the internet. Despite the fact that it has the potential to be an excellent service, particularly in light of its recent update that enables video games to be streamed at a resolution of 1600p at a frame rate of 120, the cost of the service can quickly add up, with the most premium tier costing as much as $19.99 per month.


Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.