New Pokemon Anime’s Release Date and Synopsis Finally Revealed – Here’s What You Can Expect!

The wait is almost over! Ash Ketchum is finally getting ready to leave the Pokemon anime after many years as its main hero!

In a special series set overseas, Ash is tying up some of the loose ends of the info we received regarding the changing of the guard from last year.

Now that we know when Pokemon will release its brand new anime and characters in 2023, we can finally get ready properly!

It turns out that Pokemon has set April 14 as the premiere date for the new anime.

This suggests that Ash’s rule will end in the spring, making room for a couple of newcomers to join the fan favorite franchise.

What we already know is that Like and Roy, two new trainers, will travel around the Paldea area in the next Pokemon anime.

Oricon explained the upcoming anime’s synopsis, saying that: “The new series will be an adventure set in the whole Pokémon world, where Liko and Roy will go on adventures with Pokémon, including Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly… #Anipoke.”

Aside from what was shared on social media, we don’t yet know much more about the new Pokemon anime.

Liko and Roy are depicted visually, but nothing is known about who they are as people. At the moment, a well-liked fan theory says that Liko may be Ash’s child given her resemblance to him and the identical hairpin she wears.

If this turns out to be true, Pokemon’s new show may feature a mature Ash in the future, but for the time being, this idea is nothing but speculation so the truth remains to be seen.

As April comes closer, we will soon learn what Pokemon has in store for its millions of fans. As of right now, Aim to Be a Pokemon Master from the IP is offering Ash a stunning departure.

Although the final season hasn’t yet been shown in the United States, Ash’s decades-long saga has been wrapped up in Japan already.

Ionela Ghergus
Ionela Ghergus has been writing for multiple publications since graduating university in 2015. She strongly believes learning is a lifelong process so she has many interests and knowledge about a variety of topics she loves to share through her product reviews and guides. She is especially passionate about technology and how it constantly transforms the world we live in, which is why covering tech news and compiling best gadget lists is currently her biggest focus as a journalist.