The video game Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak presents players with the challenging task of confronting the Three Lords, a trio of monstrous creatures named Malzeno, Lunagaron, and Garangolm that are causing chaos in the kingdom of Elgado Outpost. These beasts are entirely new to the game, and players must prepare to fight against them to save the realm.
However, that’s not all, as fans of the Monster Hunter franchise will also encounter old adversaries that have appeared in previous games but have not been featured in Monster Hunter Rise. Therefore, in addition to battling new and fearsome opponents, players must also be ready to face familiar enemies that return to the game with new abilities and challenges.
Availability for consoles starts on April 28
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, the upcoming action-packed video game, is scheduled to release on PlayStation and Xbox consoles on April 28. Fans of the popular Monster Hunter franchise are eagerly anticipating the latest installment of the game, which promises to deliver an exciting and immersive gaming experience.
The game, which features a host of new and old monsters to battle, takes place in the Elgado Outpost kingdom, where players must confront three terrifying monsters known as the Three Lords. The new enemies and familiar returning monsters will provide a formidable challenge for players as they explore the vast world of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
Capcom, a well-known Japanese video game developer and publisher, is responsible for bringing the exciting world of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak to life. As the developer of the game, Capcom has spent countless hours creating an immersive and engaging experience for players to enjoy. As the publisher of the game, Capcom is responsible for distributing the game to various platforms, including the upcoming release on PlayStation and Xbox consoles on April 28. Their reputation for developing and publishing popular video games is well-known in the industry, and fans of the Monster Hunter series can rest assured that they are in good hands with Capcom.
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