Dragon Ball, the legendary Japanese franchise that turns 40 years in 2024, is still under the spotlight. Dragon Ball Daima, a brand new anime series, is just around the corner, as it’s scheduled to debut in the fall.
However, Dragon Ball began way back in the early ’80s with the adventures of Son Goku, a boy who lived in the woods but with a huge heart. He was always willing to help out those who were in need of help. He was also always willing to defeat evil and those who would harm the innocent. The original Dragon Ball series followed the adventures of Goku as a child, while it was up to Dragon Ball Z to raise the stakes a lot more. DBZ revealed the true origin of Goku as a Saiyan from planet Vegeta, who was sent to Earth as a baby.
As a Dragon Ball fan for over two decades, I’ve done a little tier list of what I consider to be some of the best episodes of the original Dragon Ball series. You don’t necessarily have to agree with me, but I would definitely like it if you leave a comment below!
ATTENTION! The article contains SPOILERS!
Episode 122: “Final Showdown”
Episode 148: “Hooray! The Earth’s Strongest Man” / “The Victor”
Episode 122 shows the epic conclusion of the confrontation between Goku and King Piccolo. Even though Piccolo was the strongest opponent that Goku ever had until that point, he was still no match for our hero. As a cunning maneuver, King Piccolo (aka Piccolo Daimao) blackmailed Goku using the life of Tien as a stake. Piccolo told Goku to stay still or else he would crush Tien’s head. Goku had no choice but to obey, as he didn’t want his friend to perish. King Piccolo broke three of Goku’s limbs using this dirty maneuver and was preparing to finish our hero for good. In a desperate move, Goku fired an energy beam from his only remaining healthy limb, his right arm, as a method of propulsion to reach King Piccolo. In the next scene, Goku put all of his power into one single fist, and he managed to pierce directly through the villain’s belly. That was the end for King Piccolo.
Episode 148 shows the conclusion of the fight between Goku and Piccolo (the offspring of King Piccolo) at the World Martial Arts Tournament. The two fought one another in a cataclysmic battle in the final, as the entire arena and island were left devastated. Even though Piccolo injured Goku so badly that our hero wasn’t even able to move, the beloved Saiyan still managed to pull it off and win the fight after knocking his opponent out of the arena. Goku lost a lot of blood in that battle, but he still had the inspiration, strength, and ambition to win the fight.
Episode 101: “The Spirit Canon”
Episode 122: “Lost and Found”
Episode 101 shows the conclusion of the World Martial Arts final, in which Goku fought against Tien. The two warriors were exceptionally strong, and even though Goku was just a kid at that point, he still managed to give his adversary the battle of his life. Tien was the victor in the end, but even so, he acknowledged that Goku was better.
Episode 122 shows once again the quintessence of Dragon Ball: the search for the dragon balls. Once someone manages to gather seven dragon balls, he can wish for anything from the Eternal Dragon, even immortality or bringing the dead back. Episode 122 shows that classic struggle, as Goku has to embark on a long quest along with his friends to get his hands on the dragon balls.
Episode 130: “Battle of the Eight”
Episode 28: “The Penalty is Pinball”
Episode 130 once again showcases the spirit of competition as Goku and his rivals have to clash in the World Martial Arts Tournament. This has been an episode filled with adrenaline and intense martial arts battles. But it’s not always the strongest fighter who wins a battle, and this concept is emphasized numerous times in Dragon Ball. Therefore, Episode 130 also shows how warriors need to rely on strategic maneuvers as well.
Episode 28 is a nice blend of humor and adventure. In this episode, Pilaf, Shu, and Mai release sleeping gas in the chamber to knock everyone out after a failed torture treatment for Bulma. The Emperor himself was also in danger since he didn’t use his gas mask. While Shu drags Pilaf away, it is up to Mai to go in and steal the Four-Star Ball from Goku when our beloved hero is sleeping. The guys realize that the ball has been stolen as soon as they wake up, and they start searching for it. Pilad even uses giant pinballs to roll after them.
Episode 118: “The Terror of Demon King Piccolo”
Episode 58: “The Land of Korin”
Episode 58 shows the amazing land of Korin at his special tower. Those few fighters who can manage to climb Korin’s Tower will get their powers amplified several times, and Goku also chooses this method to be strong enough against Tao Pai Pai, a strong hitman hired by the Red Ribbon Army.
Episode 118 reveals to the public who King Piccolo is: the famous demon who was held captive for decades in a jar. Once released, he would start to wreak havoc once again, aiming to kill all of the best fighters from the World Martial Arts Tournament, including Goku.
Stay tuned for more Dragon Ball-related articles!
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