Pokemon Go’s Raid Battles are now a major part of the in-game experience. Every month we get to enjoy a brand-new set of ‘mon from common 1-Stars to rare 5-Star Legendaries to battle and catch.
August is a thrilling month for Pokemon Go trainers worldwide. A new special Community Day focuses on Eevee and all Eeveelutions, while the Spotlight Hours are ready to challenge you.
Here is the current line-up of Pokemon Go Raid bosses.
Pokemon Go Raids Boss August 2021: Full Schedule

Niantic has confirmed the full schedule for Raids in August, and by the looks of it, there are some exciting battles ahead.
Zacian and Zamazenta will finally make their debut in 5-Star Raids, while Mega Ampharos, in Mega Raids.
Check out all the ‘mon available in the Raids:
Mega Raids
- Mega Beedrill (August 20, 10 AM – August 26, 10 AM);
- Mega Ampharos (August 6, 10 AM – August 20, 10 AM);
- Mega Pidgeot (August 26, 10 AM – September 1, 10 AM).
1-Star Raids
- Unown U
- Elgyem
- Shellos (West Sea)
- Shellos (East Sea)
- Espurr
3-Star Raids
- Kangaskhan
- Alakazam
- Heracross
5-Star Raids
- Zacian in its Hero of Many Battles form (August 20, 10 AM – August 26, 10 AM);
- Palkia (August 6, 10 AM – August 20, 10 AM);
- Zamazenta in its Hero of Many Battles form (August 26, 10 AM – September 1, 10 AM).
All the 1-Star and 3-Star Raids will change randomly.
Niantic has also revealed that the ongoing Ultra Unlock Part 2: Space limited-time event has switched up the Raids schedule, adding regional exclusives Kangaskhan and Heracross.

How to Get Raid Passes
If you want to accept the challenge and enroll in a Raid Battle, you’ll need a Raid Pass.
You can buy a Premium Raid Pass from the Shop or earn one every day by spinning the Photo Disc at any Gym you like.
Remote Raid Passes are also an excellent idea! They’re really great for trainers who can’t leave their houses, as they can join any Raid Battle that’s on the Nearby screen.
Stay tuned for more Pokemon Go news!
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