A Fortnite Glitch Reveals How the First-person Mode Would Look Like

Source: Epic Games

The unreleased first-person mode in Fortnite is shown as a bug, getting everyone really excited about it! We now get a cool preview of what a first-person feature in the game may look like, and it seems like a dream.

The Dragon Ball x Fortnite collaboration’s two new skins, Son Gohan and Piccolo, are now available thanks to the Fortnite v23.30 update. Also, new Reality Augments were added, while the Nimbus Cloud and the Kamehameha made a return.

Check out all the details below.

Fortnite First-person Mode Details: What to Expect?

What a first-person mode may look like has been shown through a recent glitch, and it couldn’t be more awesome! The introduction of Zero Build by Epic Games sparked users’ demand for the devs to try out other game modes like the first-person one.

Thanks to the popular tipster @ShiinaBR, we get a taste of Fortnite’s first-person mode. Check it out:

Quite impressive, isn’t it?!

The video above shows a glitch in the first-person camera for Fortnite that is similar to what Epic Games is now working on. Notably,y the Fortnite player is shown in the video soaring on a Nimbus Cloud before crashing to the earth. How cool is that?

But the best part is that a first-person feature kicks in once the player chooses the AR.

And there’s more.

The player can also be seen how it swiftly locks onto targets and shoots them down more accurately than ever, thanks to the enhanced magnification. What do you think about that?

As you probably know, the AR resembles the Red Eye AR a great deal, which is preferred by individuals who want to line up precise head and body shots. Just imagine all of that finally airing on Fortnite! The source of this glitch is unknown, but it definitely offers a sleek preview of what’s to come.

Stay tuned for more cool Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.