Accidental Sunburns Are the Worst, But Here’s What to Do

Did you applied sunscreen but still been caught out? It’s the worst-case scenario that could happen to you this summer while out in the sun. 

In a perfect world, we’d all be super cautious with our high SPF usage, reapply it often, and stay home during peak hours of sun. But, the truth is we can get accidentally sunburnt even if we had the best intentions and applied and reapplied sunscreen. 

Luckily, we got you covered and compiled a list of how you can deal with an accidental sunburn.

Here is what you need to know.

Sunburn 101: Facts You Should Know

You’ve got sunburnt, but what does this actually mean for your skin?

Sunburn is a severe reaction in your skin that follows extreme overexposure to UV radiation. The worst thing is that sunburn can cause direct havoc to DNA resulting in the death of skin cells and inflammation.

As per some studies, sunburn in adolescence, for example, may double the risk of developing melanoma later in life and premature aging.

Cover up

Cover the affected areas right away and stay in the shade until you feel better and your sunburn is gone.

Also, it would help if you wear some loose clothing items to let your skin breathe appropriately over the sunburnt areas.

Cool shower or bath

Another way of dealing with a sunburn is to take a cool shower or bath. You can also apply a cool compress and keep it for about 15 minutes.

You’ll get a fresh feeling instantly that’ll calm you down a bit.

Don’t forget about first-aid

You covered up the sunburnt area, and you took a cool shower, now you need first-aid!

Dr Anjali Mahto, a consultant dermatologist, recommends:

“[…] gels and lotions that contain aloe vera or soy can be beneficial in calming the skin- for instance, aloe vera not only has a cooling effect on but also acts as an anti-inflammatory.”

Seeing a doctor

Make an appointment and see a dermatologist for a check-up or if you’re concerned about the possible damage the sun has done to your skin.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.