Are Apples As Healthy As Some Say? New Research Explains

An apple a day keeps… You’ve probably heard this before, but do you actually know why apples are so important?

Choosing to eat a variety of foods is, of course, a hallmark of healthy eating. Eating apples, however, is really worth it. At least, that’s what new research suggests.

Here is what happens when we eat an apple a day!

Handle the Inflammation

Systematic inflammation is considered a prime factor behind many chronic illnesses. 

According to researchers, eating an apple a day might help us curb the inflammation a bit. The fruit comprises an essential antioxidant dubbed quercetin.

Quercetin can control that troubling inflammation in your body and keep you healthy. How great is this?

A Healthier Gut

Apples bring you up to 20 % of your daily goal of 25 grams of fiber. And you know how important fiber is!

Fiber prevents constipation, smoothes your digestion, and supports a healthier microbiome. 

Moreover, apples comprise pectin as a fiber, which generates an acid known as butyrate, very beneficial for the gut flora.

Lower the Risk of Diabetes

How can an apple have a positive effect on blood sugar management? Well, it’s simple!

Thanks to the apples’ antioxidant content and high fiber, you can lower right away the risk of diabetes.

Moreover, previous research indicated that greater consumption of apples, and of course, other fruits, is associated with a decreased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Neat!

Lose Weight

According to a 2018 study, apples might help you a lot losing weight.

In the five human studies examined, 4 to 12 weeks of eating 240 to 720 milligrams of apple/day (apple juice included) were beneficial for weight loss.

Boost Your Immunity

Apples contain vitamin C, too! A medium raw apple brings you 14 % of your daily vitamin C dose. 

Also, getting the necessary Vitamin C portion will reduce oxidative stress.

Eat apples, and stay safe!


Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.