all it a space delivery: After six years in space, the Japanese probe Hayabusa-2 returns home, but just enough time to drop precious asteroid samples there before embarking on a new mission. This refrigerator-sized probe, launched in December 2014, has ...

Modifying the microbiome of koalas threatened by the disappearance of their natural habitat could save the species, according to Australian researchers. The fluctuating population of koalas at Cape Otway, Victoria, was the basis for the study, published in the journal ...

A biometric database powered by more than 5700 companies worldwide was discovered online, unprotected, by a cybersecurity research team. This database being thus accessible to everyone, unencrypted passwords, facial recognition data and more than one million fingerprints could be consulted ...

The premise of the ET film and the extraterrestrial is not about to be realized, since the most advanced researches to date have not allowed to detect signal associated with the presence of an intelligent life around the neighboring stars ...