Best League of Legends Solo Queue Champions [Patches 11.21 and 11.22]

Statistics may not be fun, but if you want to solo queue in League of Legends, then you need some numbers. And with the latest 11.21 patch changes, along with the balance changes coming in the 11.22 League of Legends patch, we all need to know what champions are more likely to win, especially since it’s your last patch where you can rank up!

We have looked at all the statistics for you and put up together a nice tier list with all the reason why, for instance, you should play Camille on top, and why you should try to avoid the Senna support, who is in the B tier. Since this is a “Best League of Legends Solo Queue Champions” tier list, we have totally skipped the last two tiers (C and D) since those champions have lower winrate scores.

We also took into consideration all the balance changes for patch 11.22 (spotted on surrender@20) to see whether there are big changes or not in the end of ranked season patch.

S+ and S-Tier Champions

The S+ tier, also known as the God tier, along with the S tier have been dominated by the likes of Camille, Teemo, Graves, Lee Sin, Yasuo, Vex, Miss Fortune, Lucian, Yuumi, Nami and Lulu, among a few others.

These champions are very popular in Ranked and clearly overpowered, which means it will be quite tough to get your hand on them every game. They’re most likely going to be either banned or picked. Nonetheless, let’s check their win rate, pick rate, ban rate and their counters.



  • Win Rate: 52.72%, Pick Rate: 12.07%, Ban Rate: 14.97%
  • Counters: Ryze, Rumble, Renekton, Olaf, Tryndamere, Akali, Rengar, Jayce, Shyvana.


  • Win Rate: 50.88%, Pick Rate: 8.77%, Ban Rate: 15.14%
  • Counters: Vayne, Renekton, Gwen, Warwick, Singed, Sylas, Volibear, Pantheon, Tryndamere, Darius.

Camille has been excelling at the top in patch 11.21 and it seems that there’s no nerf in the next patch either. She’s very difficult to counter and can definitely help you carry the game. The only champion that might be able to counter her is Akshan.

Camille teams well with…

Looking at the statistics, she’d do amazing in a team where you’ve got Singed/Rumble/Swain/Kayle (mid), Taliyah/Zac/Elise (jungle), Heimerdinger/Zilean/Sona (support), and Karthus/Swain (ADC).

Teemo is the second best choice for the top lane and he’s safe in 11.22 as well. Just like Camille, Teemo is difficult to be countered. Only Shyvana and Maokai will be successful at teaching the little devil a lesson, though.

Teemo teams well with…

If you can pick him, make sure you’ve got these champions in your team: Graves/ Zilean/Lux (mid), Master Yi/Trundle/Jax/Graves (jungle), Heimerdinger/Karthus/Veigar (ADC), Heimerdinger/Blitzcrank/Shen (support)

Other S+ and S Tier champions fit for top lane but that can pick a different role: Irelia – Top/Middle, Malphite – Top/Middle, Sett – Top/Support.



  • Win Rate: 52.96%, Pick Rate: 12.04%, Ban Rate: 22.22%
  • Counters: Zed, Wukong, Gwen, Olaf, Karthus, Qiyana, Kayn, Lee Sin, Volibear, Rumble, Lillia.

Lee Sin

  • Win Rate: 47.28%, Pick Rate: 15.70%, Ban Rate: 17.95%
  • Counters: Qiyana.

Graves has been picked quite a lot in the jungle according to the statistics on Metasrc. The only jungler that might be able to counter him is Amumu.

With the balance changes from patch 11.22, we might see Graves get lower in the tier list since his passive damage will be reduced (Base Damage per Critical Strike Pellet lowered from 30% bonus AD to 20% bonus AD).

Graves teams well with…

Try picking Graves in a team that has these champions: Skarner/Cassiopeia/Warwick/Dr. Mundo(top), Singed/Malphite/Lux/Corki (mid), Seraphine/Karthus/Swain (ADC), Malphite/Blitzcrank/Rell (support).

Another strong pick for the jungle is Lee Sin. He’ll have a really difficult time against Trundle/Wukong/Nunu/Warwick/Zac, but if you do manage to pick him and somehow not face these counters, you’re going to do just great.

Lee Sin teams well with…

Lee Sin will shine in a team where you’ve got Singed/Rumble/Karthus (mid), Taliyah (support), Swain (ADC or middle).

Other S+ and S Tier champions fit for jungle but that can pick a different role: Ekko – Jungle/Middle,  Shaco – Jungle/Support.



  • Win Rate: 50.84%, Pick Rate: 14.03%, Ban Rate: 22.58%
  • Counters: Ryze, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Taliyah, Jayce, Cassiopeia, Seraphine, Azir, Orianna, Heimerdinger, Zoe, Ahri, Ziggs.


  • Win Rate: 51.03%, Pick Rate: 9.43%, Ban Rate: 33.47%
  • Counters: Renekton, Ryze, Azir, LeBlanc, Ziggs, Akali, Irelia.

While Yasuo shines in the middle lane, you can also take him on Top or play him as an ADC (both roles in B tier at the moment). Some of his counters are Singed, Kennen, Swain and Rumble.

Yasuo teams well with…

You’d do amazing with Yasuo in a team that has these champions: Skarner/Malphite (top), Rammus/Vi/Zac (jungle), Swain/Karthus/Heimerdinger (ADC), Taliyah/Heimerdinger/Rell (support).

Meanwhile, Vex is at the top of the list when it comes to the ban rate, which makes this champion especially difficult to pick. Although it has a 51% win rate, it can be counterd by the likes of Kled, Singed, Swain, Kennen and Aurelion Sol.

Vex teams well with…

Try getting Vex in a team that has Skarner/Trundle/Nasus (top), Amumu (jungle), Vayne (ADC) and Shen/Rell/Maokai (support).

Other S+ and S Tier champions fit for middle but that can pick a different role: Sylas – Middle/Top, Yone – Middle/Top, Lux – Middle/Support, Viego – Middle/Jungle/Top.


Miss Fortune

  • Win Rate: 50.70%, Pick Rate: 24.75%, Ban Rate: 14.49%
  • Counters: Kalista, Apelios, Varus, Senna (ADC), Pantheon, Vex, Gragas, Neeko (support).


  • Win Rate: 49.87%, Pick Rate: 20.88%, Ban Rate: 18.82%
  • Counters: Neeko, Gragas (support), Aphelios, Kalista, Varus (ADC).

Miss Fortune is the top ADC in patch 11.21 and will continue to be in 11.22 since she hasn’t seen any nerfs. Swain and Karthus as ADC are her counters.

Miss Fortune teams well with…

Match her with these champions: Skarner/Yorick/Dr. Mundo (top), Skarner/Warwick/Wukong (jungle), Kled/Malzahar/Kayle (mid), Taliyah/Maokai/Blitzcrank (support).

Lucian is doing just as good as Miss Fortune on the botlane. If you have Heimerdinger by your side, you’ll be unstoppable.

Lucian teams well with…

Make sure you can pair Lucian with these other champions: Nasus/Maokai (top) Trundle/Nunu (jungle), Karthus/Kayle/Zilean (mid), Heimerdinger/Sona/Yuumi (support).

Other S+ and S tier champions that you can pick as ADC are: Jhin, Ezreal, Jinx, Vayne, Caitlyn, Xayah, Kai’sa.



  • Win Rate: 49.55%, Pick Rate: 13.29%, Ban Rate: 06%
  • Counters: Heimerdinger, Ezreal, Vex, Neeko, Karma.


  • Win Rate: 51.37%, Pick Rate: 17.55%, Ban Rate: 11.82%
  • Counters: Vex, Varus, Gragas, Pantheon, Aphelios, Neeko, Swain, Akshan.


  • Win Rate: 50.44%, Pick Rate: 12.63%, Ban Rate: 18.02%
  • Counters: Kalista, Veigar, Heimerdinger, Pantheon, Shen, Neeko, Aphelios.

The top cat of the ranked season, Yuumi can be easily chased away by none other than Heimerdinger if he’s played as an ADC. She’ll also struggle against Yasuo (ADC) or tanky supports like Rell, Shen and Maokai.

Yuumi teams well with…

Try to team up with these champions: Trundle (top), Rammus (jungle), Kled/Singed/Zilean (mid), Karthus/Swain/Ziggs (ADC).

Just as good as Yuumi and with far more chances to pick her thanks to a much lower ban rate, Nami is at the top when it comes to win rate. And while she counter support Seraphine, she is easily countered by an ADC Seraphine (whoever would have the guts to pick her as ADC, anyway…).

Nami teams well with…

Pair Nami with Karthus or Yasuo on bot and make sure you got in your team champions like Skarner/Maokai/Nasus (top),  Rammus/Warwick (jungle), Singed/Kennen/Zilean (mid).

Lulu may kick Kalista’s butt… but Veigar, Senna and Seraphine (as ADC) will teach this cute yordle a lesson or two, as they’re hard counters.

Lulu teams well with…

Nonetheless, she should do great on the bot lane with Karthus or Sivir. Add champions like Wukong (jungle), Warkick (top) and Rumble/Corki (mid) and you’ll have a blast.

We’ve mentioned some support champions in our Middle section, but most support champions that shine in the S+ and S tier cannot be played effectively on other lanes. Other S tier supports that you can pick are: Thresh, Blitzcrank and Leona.

A-Tier Champions

For the A tier and B tier we kept it short, only naming the champions making the tiers and their win rates. If you’re not lucky enough to pick some of the best champions in solo queue, then the A tier is for you. These champions are strong and can perform very well in the right situations.

  • Ornn (51.8% win rate) – Top
  • Xin Zhao (50.4% win rate) – Jungle
  • Akshan (51.6% win rate) – Middle
  • Draven (51.2% win rate) – ADC
  • Nautilus (49.8% win rate) – Support

Other champions that can perform in multiple lanes:

  • Top/Middle: Vladimir, Heimerdinger.
  • Top/Jungle: Mundo.
  • Jungle/Top: Lillia.
  • Middle/Support: Xerath.
  • ADC/Middle/Support: Veigar.
  • Support/ADC: Swain.

B-Tier Champions

While the champions in the B tier are not exactly bad, they are not doing very well right now. However, if you’ve mastered one of them, you should definitely choose it (unless you’re in the lobby and you’re staring at its counter).

  • Gangplank (48.7% win rate) – Top
  • Trundle (51.5% win rate) – Jungle
  • Talon (49.8% win rate) – Middle
  • Ziggs (52.1% win rate) – ADC
  • Senna (47.3% win rate) – Support

Other champions that can perform in multiple lanes:

  • Top/Middle: Tryndamere, Kayle, Cassiopeia, Akali
  • Top/Jungle: Rengar, Warwick
  • Top/Jungle/Support: Gragas
  • Support/Middle: Seraphine, Brand.

Can patch 11.22 change the meta right before the end of the season?

With the balance changes coming with the 11.22 patch, we’ve seen some buffs to several champions.

Riven (almost 47% win rate, A tier) may shine once again with these buffs: W base damage increased (from 55/…/175 to 65/…/185) and E shield ratio increased (from +100% bonus AD to +120% bonus AD).

Akali is in the B tier right now with a 44% win rate. In patch 11.22, her passive damage will increase (Damage from ]29/…/170 +40% AP] to [35/…/182 +55% AP]).

Renekton is at the bottom of the B tier list with a win rate of 46%, but he’s getting a buff (W stun and lockout durations increased: stun duration from 1 second to 1.5 seconds, lockout duration increased from 0.375 seconds to 0.525 seconds).

Kalista (E damage ratio increased from 60% AD to 70% AD) and Varus (E damage ratio increased from +60% bonus AD to +90% bonus AD). Right now, their win ratios are 47.7%, respectively 45.6%. We believe that these champions may be able to climb in our list since now they’re in the D tier list. Who knows? Maybe they’ll make it to the bottom of the B tier.

On the other hand, there are also some nerfs to jungle champions like Kayn (47.3% win rate), Kha’Zix (52% win rate), and support Maokai (51.6% win rate). Yuumi (49.5% win rate) is also getting nerfed in 11.21 (E heal lowered from [70/…/210 + 40% AP] to [70/…/190 + 35% AP] and move speed ratio decreased from [+10% per 100 AP to [+6% per 100 AP]).

Meanwhile, Qiyana (middle – 51% win rate, jungle – 48% win rate) has been balanced so that she’d be weaker in early game but she will be able to become stronger as she levels up.

We hope that this League of Legends solo queue tier list will help you push further up into ranks before Ranked season ends. Patch 11.22 is scheduled to go live on Wednesday, November 3.