Catch Ditto in Pokemon Go: Disguises, Shiny Ditto, and More

Source: Niantic

Ditto has proved to be a real challenge in Pokemon Go for many Trainers. This elusive ‘mon is also a Gen 1 shapeshifter (as it wasn’t enough, right?), but we’ve got you covered.

We’ve compiled a full list of everything you need to know about Ditto, including its August disguises and how to catch it.

Here is what you need to know.

Catch Ditto in Pokemon Go: Best Tips

Source: Niantic/ The Pokemon Company

The beloved shapeshifter Pokemon is quite the catch! Before you begin your quest, you need a lot of luck and patience.

The most obvious step to catch Ditto is to search for other ‘mon across the Pokemon Go map and hope they’ll turn into the lovable purple blob.

Ditto’s disguises in August

We’ve compiled a list with Ditto’s disguises, but keep in mind that they’ll change soon:

  • Hoppip;
  • Hoothoot;
  • Remoraid;
  • Spinarak;
  • Purrloin;
  • Numel;
  • Whismur;
  • Foongus;
  • Gulpin.

Tips & Tricks to catch Ditto

  1. Use the Nearby tracker feature that shows all the ‘mon close to you;
  2. Use Incense to boost the spawn rates;
  3. Join a local Pokemon Go group on Reddit or Facebook;
  4. Throwdown a Lure at PokeStops;
  5. Ditto is not a unique ‘mon to an individual player; your friends can catch the same Ditto disguise.

Remember that Ditto doesn’t hatch from an egg in Pokemon Go. The only method to get one is by catching one of its disguises forms out in the wild.

Is There a Shiny Ditto in Pokemon Go?

Source: Niantic/ The Pokemon Company

Niantic has announced that there is a Shiny Ditto available in Pokemon Go. The ‘mon made its debut via the Kanto Tour celebration special event back in February 2021.

The thing is that Shiny Ditto was related to a Special Research during the Kanto Tour event. So, if you didn’t get it back then, now it’s too late.

Let’s hope we’ll get another one soon!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.