A new study published yesterday in The Lancet has examined the effects of fluvoxamine on patients diagnosed with Covid-19. Researchers used a placebo clinical trial for participants from 11 clinics in Brazil. The South American country has had a hard time in ...
Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, have conducted a new trial in which they implemented a deep brain stimulation implant in a patient to treat her depression. The brain implant produces electrical signals for those who suffer from ...
The Covid-19 virus and its variants have been spreading worldwide for a while, and many of those that got infected have been suffering from different cognitive dysfunctions. A new study analyzed the cognitive-related effects of the Covid-19 infection in different patients. Some ...
The American pharmaceutical company released data from a new study about the Covid-19 vaccine on children aged 6 to 11. The FDA, EMA, and other health regulators will receive the data in the near future. For the clinical study, 4,753 children under ...
Turmeric, also referred to as curcumin, is a spice mainly used in Asia and Central America. However, it has become more and more popular in other countries thanks to its many health benefits. It has been used in ayurvedic medicine ...
Walking is an excellent way of having an active lifestyle. We can lose weight and stay fit without resorting to extreme diets or going to the gym daily. Balance and a healthy lifestyle are the things that help us in ...
A visually impaired woman received a brain implant, which helped her see simple shapes such as lines or simple letters. The former science teacher received a prosthesis in her occipital cortex and became a co-author of the article published in the Journal ...
The Covid-19 pandemic took the lives of more than 4,926,000 people, and many countries are still struggling with their vaccination campaigns. Vaccine skeptics give different reasons why they do not want to get vaccinated against the new coronavirus. One of ...
Even the simple act of walking can be beneficial for someone’s health, as it can help the person burn calories. It seems like such a useful activity when you need to lose some weight fast! What can possibly be more ...
Suffering from COVID isn’t easy, indeed, as the disease can cause severe illness and even death. But a new study reveals that a significant part of those who had to deal with the coronavirus had also manifested some symptoms months ...
The U.S National Institute on Aging defines Alzheimer’s disease as a brain disorder, which affects our memory and thinking skills. People who have Alzheimer’s slowly lose their memory and have trouble carrying out basic tasks. There are two types of ...
The Covid-19 infection began to spread in 2019, and since then, children have been deeply affected by lockdowns, restrictions, online school, and lack of physical exercise. Many children and adolescents gained weight due to school disruption and closure, stress and ...
A research study on mice and humans proved that exercises such as resistance training or weight lifting promote changes in the level of fat cells. This is good news for those who love to hit the gym and those who ...
The Covid-19 pandemic is not likely to end soon, and, as a recent statement from WHO experts mentions, the virus will most likely continue to evolve and stay with us, much like the common cold or the influenza virus. At ...
The Mu variant originated in Colombia at the beginning of 2021, and it has now been identified in over 42 countries. The WHO classified the B.1.621 as a variant of interest, but it could potentially become a variant of concern, ...
The fourth wave has hit hard on the U.S medical system, and the predominant Delta strain has caused a surge in daily new infections. According to the letter published at the beginning of the month in The New England Journal ...
Salt is one of the most commonly found ingredients in all kitchens across the globe. Adding just a bit of it can significantly improve the flavor of nearly all food. However, there is a considerable downside to consuming salt. To ...
The Delta variant has spread fear worldwide due to its high transmissibility rate and the different symptoms it can trigger. A recent report from Pfizer revealed that the vaccine is only 83.7 % effective after four to six months of ...
What does it get to in a superhero shape? What does a superhero eat? Well, for those questions, Chris Hemsworth may have the best answers. The star’s diet and workout routine to get in shape for his role are quite ...
As the Delta variant spreads worldwide, several countries have started to administer the third jab to those age 60 or older. Israel has already administered more than 420,000 booster shots to seniors as the country has experienced a surge in ...
Millions of people are currently dealing with scorching temperatures. The human body’s sweating causes the loss of fluids and electrolytes. The heat makes the blood vessels dilate for increasing sweating. Therefore, blood pressure can drop, sometimes even to the point ...
Until now, the PfizerBioNTech vaccine, along with Moderna and Johnson & Johnson have received emergency use authorization. This FDA approval requires only three months of trials and two months of data. Because the vaccines do not have full approval yet, ...
The “Deadpool” star works hard in the gym and the kitchen to get that great physique. Not only can Ryan Reynolds manage his meals, but he also has an incredible workout routine! From superhero to the love interest in countless ...
A recent report of the Commonwealth Fund provided a shocking assessment regarding America’s health care system. In contrast to comparably wealthy countries, the U.S. is last when it comes to health care, registering the highest infant and maternal mortality rates. ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the number of death rates due to coronavirus infection have surged by 80% in Africa, with a 6,343 weekly rate. During a media briefing, WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhamon Ghebreyesus declared that the Delta ...