Hyaluronic acid, aka hyaluronan, surged to fame a long time ago, but some might even know about it. Considered a hero ingredient, our bodies actually produce hyaluronan. So, why do we still need it? The best part of hyaluronic acid ...
The more steps you take every day, whether they’re all at once or in short sessions, the more you’ll increase your life expectancy. At least, that’s what a new study suggests. Longer and high-intensity workouts are not perfect for everyone. ...
Matcha is a trendy green tea that has become mainstream, impressing even devoted coffee lovers. But what’s so special about this beverage? After all, it is still green tea, right? If you want to give it a try, or you’re ...
As a new intriguing study emerges, we learn that depression could have a core feature that scientists apparently didn’t really think about it before. The new paper offers proof that people diagnosed with depression have protein in their blood to ...
Did you know that protein powder is not only for bodybuilders or athletes? As per nutritionists’ recommendations, there are various protein powders at mainstream supermarkets that can be incorporated even in your favourite smoothie. And that’s not all. We’re going ...
A new study shows how people who follow a vegetarian diet have better indicators of health than meat-eaters. And that’s great news because you don’t have to become a vegetarian to be healthy! As per researchers’ findings, vegetarians had overall ...
The semi-vegetarian diet has become a popular style of eating, but it is healthy? Just because some are interested in eating more plant-based meals should make us change our diets? As per the Plant-Based Foods Association’s research, total plant-based food ...
Sunscreen formulas have changed in recent years, and finding the best product is not an easy job at all. What works for one person’s skin might not work for you, and let’s face it, no one wants a sunscreen product ...
As we age, our bodies can’t produce much collagen anymore. That can lead to some pretty serious signs of ageing, like wrinkles and sagging skin. But, there’s more than a skin matter to discuss. Our bones’ health is also essential ...
We know that lack of physical inactivity is no good at all, but do we really know why? Physical inactivity is now a global issue responsible for around 8 % of early deaths. Should we worry? According to recent research, ...
A steady, precise exercise routine can do wonders for your body and help you keep your blood pressure in check. As per a recent study, exercising is more important than we previously believed, and we should be keeping our exercise ...
Nutrition nowadays has more of a disease risk-reduction ability, focusing on a healthier lifestyle. What we choose to eat should be great for our heart, brain, and immune system. We no longer eat cautiously, only to stay fit but to ...
As a new study about exercising emerges, we learn that no exercise at all comes with horrifying long-term side effects. Should we worry? If you’ve adopted quite a sedentary lifestyle in the wake of recent events, know that an active ...
Many decades of nutrition research have shown that there are a lot of factors at play when it comes to diet plans. What might work for you might not work for another person. The reason? Genetics. Nutrigenomics is a new ...
Anti-inflammatory foods are the best if you follow a healthy routine. They can help your body defend itself from many injuries and infections. As you might know, chronic inflammation can lead to various diseases and unnecessary weight gain. Low activity ...
We spend most of the day in artificially lit rooms and also looking at different screens every day. Such a thing might confuse our internal clock more than we’ve imagined. A new study explains how artificial light might affect our ...
Researchers discovered 509 genes shared by two common psychiatric disorders and explained everything in a new paper. There’s more than a fair chance that one in two people diagnosed with depression also struggles with an anxiety condition at some point ...
Follow a healthy routine is not just about counting calories and avoid eating certain foods. To really have a balanced diet, we need an essential variety of nutrients that support your body. But how can we stay healthy and still ...
As new research emerges, we learn that setting healthy eating and physical activity habits during childhood can have many benefits. Dieting and exercising might be a burden, but starting early in life can significantly increase brain mass and lower anxiety. ...
Staying up all night or having trouble falling and staying asleep can negatively influence your health and lifestyle. You know how it is, one more scroll on your favourite social media app, one more late-night movie or book chapter, and ...
As new research emerges, we learn that exercise might influence cells deep within our bones to start regenerating. Such a thing can also boost our immunity, leading to better well-being. As we age, our bone density and composition start to ...
Either it’s Monday, mid-week, or just a busy day, you should always start your morning with full energy. What we eat in the morning is also essential for our eating habits throughout the day. Coming up with a healthy mix ...
Artificial sweeteners are a popular choice, but did you know that the first product was discovered by accident back in 1879? Saccharin has quickly replaced real sugar, becoming everyone’s favourite. Nowadays, saccharin is an essential ingredient in the huge market ...
Fatigue is so common that it has generated a whole subset of conditions, including crisis fatigue, chronic fatigue, and even Zoom fatigue. And whether it is tiredness from daily activities or a post-Covid 19 symptom, most of us really need ...
Yes, wearing sunscreen every day is a must. But do you know why? Besides protecting you from any sunburns, sunscreen can also prevent many skin issues, including premature ageing or hyperpigmentation. According to specialists, sunscreen should be applied every day, ...