Did you know that approximately 1 million plastic drinking bottles are bought every minute? As intriguing as this might be, there’s a catch. Most plastic bottles end up in landfills, creating a tremendous amount of waste. To avoid that, many ...
Seasons come and go, temperatures vary, and your skin could suffer more than you can imagine. Symptoms like peeling, flaking, and roughness can be too much to deal with, especially when seasons change from hot to cold abruptly. So what ...
There are many protective measures you might want to follow and take to protect your body against illness or infection from any virus. But, can they be effective? Also, what should you try? According to specialists, following a straightforward routine ...
Your skin care routine includes products that are most suitable for your skin type and needs. But do you actually know what ingredients do you use? It’s what inside that counts, and it’s not really about money or quantity. The ...
Wellness and skincare are more than following a well-balanced diet or choosing the right products. According to specialists, the beauty and health connection is more than meets the eye and goes deeper, all the way to a healthy gut. Gut ...
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is essential because it supports the nervous system, produces red blood cells and helps make DNA. Because this vitamin is so important, people sometimes choose to supplement it. Could they risk an overdose? Vitamin B12 is ...
A recent study shows the dangers we might face if we follow a diet of fast food and caffeine. People between the age of 18-29 can experience greater levels of anxiety and depression. Customized lifestyle and diets changes could also ...
Photosensitivity, or phototoxicity, is a serious issue that we should not ignore. Many people suffer from it, and sometimes their skin is damaged forever. However, there are some signs you might want to consider, including the products you use while ...
Vitamin B6 is essential for your cardiovascular health, metabolism, and it’s an efficient nutrient that can boost your immune system. However, as good as vitamin B6 is for you, there’s a catch. This vitamin is water-soluble, meaning that it is ...
There’s no secret: regularly exercising and nutritious foods are healthy habits! Moving your body is the best way to keep your body lean, the virus at bay, and, of course, the mind healthy. But how do you know if your ...
Climate change is really triggering the allergy seasons, as per new research findings. In the last three decades, warmer temperatures have caused pollen season in North America to increase, and now we encounter 20 days/year. And as if it wasn’t ...
As a new study emerges, we learn that sugar can really put our lives at risk, threatening our immune system. You probably know that added sugars can damage your whole body. So, it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that ...
Healthy living is not just exercising or following a good diet. How you sleep is also a significant part of that. New research discovered a link between a higher risk of depression and disrupted sleep patterns. Apparently, getting to bed ...
New research about extremist brains offers new intriguing details that’ll leave you in awe. Apparently, those with extremist views aren’t only identified by their social, religious, or political beliefs. There’s more to consider. Those views can be recognized in something ...
Green tea has been proved to bring excellent benefits to our bodies for centuries. There are molecules and compounds in it that can boost our immune system, and there’s even evidence that green tea can help us live better and ...
Snacks usually come with the perfect balance of nutrients, in a smaller form than a meal. Why is that? Well, snacks don’t lead to excess calorie intake, fullness, or unintentional weight gain. In fact, they can be great for keeping ...
Coffee can significantly improve your exercising routine, and we now have proof. A team of researchers in Spain saw the perfect opportunity for a new project right when they enjoyed some coffee. Well, it could have started like that, or ...
Maybe you’re trying to lose some pounds, or you’re eager to stop your persistent hunger, cutting your carbohydrate intake might be the solution. Experts, however, think otherwise. A recent study discusses the side effects of giving up carbs, and the ...
A recent study shows how dangerous childhood trauma can be and how much it can affect the brain into adulthood. Specific alterations to crucial brain structures have been discovered for the first time. Researchers are now raising awareness about the ...
Sugar is everywhere, and this is not a good sign. From juices, bread, your favorite McDonald’s fries to condiments, sugar is in everything. Excessive added sugar intake is dangerous, leading to severe health issues, as per new study explains. So, ...
Weight loss vs. fat loss, the battle continues, yet we still don’t know what’s the difference. It might be challenging for some people to figure out whether they’re losing weight from fat or muscle. But how can you tell the ...
Sometimes you feel stressed, your jaws or shoulders tense up, and you get a massive headache. These might get noticed from the inside, but from the outside, we can really measure stress. But that’s about to change. A team of ...
An intriguing study unveils how hormones can change every season. A survey of millions of blood tests shows clearly how this “phenomenon” exists and influences people. Hormones from a gland called the pituitary are responsible for our metabolism, reproduction, stress, ...
You’ve probably heard this before: some foods are good for you because they are “rich in antioxidants.” But what does this really mean? Is it actually something worth considering? The grocery stores are full of food and drinks rich in ...
To boost the immune system is now a trend that most think is so easy to follow. But what actually means to boost your immune system? Also, which are the best ways? Recent research comes in our help, proving how ...