A new species of dinosaurs has been found in Argentina by paleontologists; it resembles a Tyrannosaurus rex in many respects, including having a large head and short limbs. If there is one thing that the Tyrannosaurus rex is famous for, ...
The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft was designed to go to the asteroid Bennu, where it was to make a short landing on the body’s presumed rocky surface, gather a tiny sample, and then return to Earth. However, the mission was aborted due ...
If you have never heard about Stanleycaris hirpex, there’s no need to worry. It’s the name of a creature that lived long ago, and it probably didn’t hear about you, either. After exploring the Burgess Shale, meaning a formation from ...
In a primordial marsh 45 million years ago, researchers have found the reason why countless fossil frogs ended up dead: It took place throughout the act of sex. Over 50,000 prehistoric creatures, involving: birds; horses; bats; fish, plus hundreds of frogs, were killed by ...
Scientists operating on the world’s finest & precise dark matter sensor, the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ), have released their findings from the project’s first research run. Although zero dark matter was detected in this session, the team verified that the project is functioning ...
It’s important to know how steady the solar system is. The unpredictable and complicated character of the forces at play means that even minor gravitational impacts may have significant consequences because of their relative stability in human and historical perspectives. ...
Carnivorous dinosaurs with tiny arms, like the Tyrannosaurus rex, might be a little more frequent amid huge hunting dinosaurs than originally assumed, according to a newly discovered type of meat-eating dinosaur. The recently discovered creature has been given the title ...
The Sun is once again giving us the creeps as new solar storms might be on their way. It’s no surprise, after all, considering the tremendous temperatures that exist at our star, especially inside its core: roughly 15 million degrees ...
When the Sun has fallen underneath the horizon or is just about to rise, noctilucent formations, often known as “night-shining” clouds, are the most common. They only emerge in the North Hemisphere skies for a few weeks each summer, and ...
The Earth’s atmosphere has already been found to have a “huge” ozone gap that was not anticipated to be present. Although Antarctica’s spring ozone breach may be more well-known, this one is seven times as massive and occurs all year round ...
Sotheby’s made the announcement on Tuesday that they would be holding a bidding in New York City this month to sell the preserved bones of a T. rex cousin that walked the world around 76 million years in the past. According ...
One of NASA’s spacecrafts has lost touch after it broke off of the Earth’s gravity on its journey to the moon, according to reports. On Tuesday, the small CubeSat lost contact with the Deep Space Network and has not been heard ...
The most recent addition to NASA’s deep-space observatory fleet will soon begin focusing its attention on an area not too far away that is teeming with newborn stars. The James Webb Space Telescope is nearly finished with its commissioning process ...
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider scientists have reported the finding of three unusual particles that might provide light on the process by which quarks cohere into larger structures. The LHCb Collaboration only at CERN used a 5,600-ton sensor on a piece ...
Something intriguing occurs when magnets are chilled to the correct degree. Atomic spins ‘freeze’ and then lock into something like a stable pattern, displaying unusually coordinated behavior. Scientists have now observed the polar equivalent for the very first time. It ...
Future pain treatment might benefit greatly from the use of pliable electronic implants. The evaporating cooler that surrounds the nerves is made from biodegradable ingredients that disintegrate in the body. The cooler prevented pain impulses from reaching the brain after ...
Researchers just on Tibetan Plateau reportedly discovered over 900 previously unknown kinds of microorganisms hidden deep inside glaciers. It has been found that certain types the bacteria might generate subsequent pandemics in the event of fast thawing of their frozen ...
A comet more than double the magnitude of Mt. Everest has reached our solar system’s innermost reaches and will soon pass by our Earth’s orbit in the summer of this year. Originally identified by the Hubble Telescope throughout 2017 as ...
A new research provides the first tangible proof that Triassic dinos were exposed to cold temperatures on a frequent basis. Mainstream wisdom is that Earth was hit by a meteorite 66 million years ago, causing an immediate global cooling and ...
When it comes to food, giant pandas have a reputation for being finicky. They solely consume bamboo, and every day they may devour up to 100 lbs (45 kg) of it in the course of about 15 hours of feeding. ...
Over the weekend, our globe was struck by a geomagnetic storm, which surprised scientists in that it didn’t seem to be caused by a solar flare. Photographers were able to capture the storm when it coincided with a rare conjunction ...
New findings come to spoil the dreams of many and relieve the tension for others. It depends on which side you are. Someone once said that whether alien life exists or not, both scenarios can be equally frightening. But for ...
An octopus’s neurological and cognitive intricacy may have its origins in a molecular similarity to the human mind, as per a recent research. The amazing intellect of these interesting creatures may be explained by a novel molecular comparison. The octopus ...
Scientists have identified the first evidence known to infect a collection of microorganisms that may comprise the origins of all advanced life. New avenues for research into the concept that viruses were vital to the development of sophisticated living forms ...
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), which serves as NASA’s “eye in the sky” in orbit around the Moon, has located the impact site of the unidentified rocket booster that crashed into the opposite side of the Moon on March 4, ...