If we humans have to be extra careful when an earthquake happens, any little green men living on Mars might have the same fears. While there’s no definitive proof for the existence of life on the Red Planet, we can’t ...
Where else could astronomers look for alien life in the Solar System when Mars doesn’t show any signs of harboring it? The other planets are either too hot, too cold, or with a gaseous composition. That means that the moons ...
It’s not a secret to anyone that the Solar System has plenty of giant asteroids that could impact our planet one day. Luckily, most of the space rocks that enter our planet’s atmosphere are small enough to be obliterated due ...
It has been shown that patients with depression who use antidepressants have no higher health-related life quality than those who do not. It turns out that this is what a recent research found. Depressive disorder has a significant influence on ...
Fossil organisms from the Cenozoic Era have been discovered in abundance in a geological deposit in Aix-en-Provence, France. There has been an abundance of mummified animals & plants unearthed in the region ever since the later 1700s. In particular, the ...
After arriving in the river delta on Mars around April 13, NASA’s Perseverance Rover has been making preparations ever since. In the “Three Forks” section of the Delta river, the rover started its first excursion and digging operation on April 18, ...
According to recent study a specific kind of light created from an antique Namibian gem might be the path to new light-based quantum systems that answer long-held scientific problems. Using a naturally occurring cuprous oxide (Cu2O) jewel from Namibia, researchers constructed ...
In an archaic Chinese literature, a celestial occurrence is recounted that is three centuries older than the next earliest known connection to a potential aurora. It is thought that the Bamboo Annals, as well as Zhushu Jinian from Mandarin, were ...
A little over a century ago, we were still taking measurements of the earth. We had to physically go to our Greenwich Observatory and measure from there. Then we used maps to do the same thing. And then the GPS ...
Scientists have created a stem cell treatment that might potentially lead to novel restorative therapies for those who have suffered a spinal cord damage. Clinical trials have been hindered by limited stem cell viability and inability to replace injured spinal ...
Scientists recently discovered a more slender kind of red giant star. Possibly owing to the presence of a hungry neighbor, the stars have lost a lot of weight. Discovery reported in Nature Astronomy is a crucial step in comprehending the ...
Skoltech researchers have come up with a design for a customizable Mars rover. The novel system utilizes the potential of cooperating robotics and comprises 4 2-wheeled robots that may work alone or in different constellations together. In this way, the researchers ...
An asteroid impact 4.3 billion years ago caused havoc in the moon’s mantle, explaining why one side of the moon has more craters than the other. A recent study supports this theory. Per the International Astronomical Union, the moon has ...
According to researchers, a “living cell therapeutic device” may shield us from antibiotics’ detrimental adverse effects on our digestive tracts. In order to provide an enzyme that really can decompose beta-lactam medicines, they changed a type of bacterium that is ...
The core of Bernardinelli-Bernstein, the frozen core at the heart of all comets, has been shown to be upwards of 80 miles broad in a recent study. This is the biggest comet ever seen, with a diameter 50 times greater ...
Around 50% of the worldwide people endure headaches & migraines every year, according to new data this week, while approximately one in seven individuals struggle with a headache on just about any given day. Migraines, especially, may have gotten more prevalent over ...
Methane-eating bacteria have been used to build a battery that generates power from the gas. The idea of harnessing the power of microorganisms to create electricity is not new. Methane & carbon dioxide are captured by anaerobic digesting systems (also ...
After successfully inhibiting viral multiplication in lab experiments, Israeli researchers suggest a unique nutritional supplement including zinc, copper, and compounds present in fruits may help combat viruses. Each of the chemicals in question has been authorized by the FDA as ...
Neptune’s overall temperature dropped unexpectedly, followed by a huge increase in its south pole. As it revolves around the Sun, Neptune, like the Earth, has seasons. A Neptune season, on the other hand, lasts approximately 4 decades, while a Neptune ...
Researchers from the American Psychological Association have found that individuals who are more coordinated and self-disciplined are less inclined to develop cognitive impairment as they get older, while those who are pouty or emotionally vulnerable are more likely to encounter mental ...
Participants in a tobacco quitting and lung cancer monitoring initiative were monitored for changes in smoking behaviors and the correlations of rises and reductions throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Smoking habits were examined in relation to COVID-19 exposure and preventive measures, ...
A human gene associated with hearing development has recently been involved in the establishment of other senses in sea anemones. When it comes to the sea anemone Nematostella vectens, scientists have discovered a gene known as pou-iv, or “pow-four,” that ...
According to OpenAI co-founder & chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, DALL-E, a neural net, can accept any phrase and create a picture out of it. This contained ideas that we would not have encountered in the classroom. DALL-E, a new and ...
More precisely than any doctor, a new ai – powered technique can predict whether or not a patient will have a cardiac arrest. One of medicine’s worst and most confusing illnesses, abrupt and deadly cardiac arrhythmias, may be prevented by ...
The more we learn about the extreme conditions present on other planets, the less we should complain about the weather on Earth. Scientists are now providing astonishing information about the exoplanet designated WASP-178b, one where the clouds are composed of ...