Astronomers have captured the first-ever high-definition photograph of a strange circle in space as they investigate the origins of these enigmatic objects. Pictures from the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder radio telescope (ASKAP) in 2019 revealed mysterious formations known as ...
A bone-stimulating hormone is produced in mutant lettuce, according to research. The simple act of chowing down on a huge salad might one day enable astronauts to avoid skeletal deterioration. It may also help prevent osteoporosis in resource-poor locations on Earth, ...
Experts from The University of Queensland have discovered that a fragment of garbage DNA may hold the answer to suppressing fear-related experiences in individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including phobia, according to their findings. As part of their ...
New research published in Nature on the body composition of Spinosaurids, the biggest known meat-eating dinosaurs, shows that they pursued their food while completely immersed in water. This indicates that the spinosaurid dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period were underwater experts because ...
At the Pacific Oceans’ bottom a “UFO investigator” claims to have found proof of ancient aliens. The finding was made public earlier this month by the researcher, Scott Waring. When using Google Earth, Waring saw a round object off the ...
Yeast ferments and produces carbon dioxide in a traditionally cooked pizza, much as it does in most bread, giving the dough a foamy quality. Afterward, the baking process removes the water and preserves the light texture. In a different manner, ...
In space, anything may go awry. An object collides with another object, inflicting damage or forming new celestial bodies. Scientists play the role of astronomical detectives, piecing together the events of these crashes and gleaning information regarding the objects concerned ...
Pre-implantation genetic screening of unborn babies is rising in scope and availability as a result of new technology. However, the benefits of these advancements remain unknown, and a candid examination of their enormous moral aspects is now required, concludes a ...
Several components of the Yuxisaurus kopchicki dinosaur, including the incomplete skull, mandible, forelimbs & hindlimbs, as well as roughly 120 parts, were reportedly discovered by researchers. Yuxisaurus kopchicki is a distinct type of armored dinosaur that was discovered recently. The ...
A radio observatory in South Africa has acquired the sharpest picture to date of a large and enigmatic cosmic phenomenon. The so-called “odd radio circle,” which is 16 times the size of our Milky Way galaxy and spans around a ...
Local press The Star reported that Malaysia’s deputy minister of the Communications and Multimedia Ministry informed the nation’s parliament on Monday that the government ought to explore embracing crypto such as Bitcoin as legitimate cash, according to the newspaper. The deputy ...
Researchers have turned the 3-D structure of a spider’s web into melodies, collaborating with artist Tomás Saraceno to develop Spider’s Canvas, an engaging musical tool. The researchers then polished and expanded on their prior efforts, including the addition of a dynamic ...
Scientists have discovered how marine bacteria produce an anti-cancer compound that has been in development for years. Salinosporamide A, commonly known as Marizomb, is an anti-cancer chemical now undergoing Phase 3 clinical tests for the treatment of glioblastoma, a kind ...
Tiny magnetic oscillations identified in the Earth’s core may illuminate what is happening deep within our globe. Earth’s center is composed of a solid internal part and a liquid outermost part. The heat differential between both the heated core and ...
The James Webb Space Telescope, operated by NASA, has completed another important mirror alignment phase and has published the highest quality infrared picture yet obtained by a space telescope. The James Webb Orbit Telescope captured its first images in space ...
The planet Venus has become something of a forgotten world, despite the fact that it is nearer to us compared to Mars and, in some respects, more similar to Earth than the red planet. In terms of dimension and density, Venus ...
While walking through private property, paleontologist Craig Pfister said he came upon fragments of a pelvis and femur bones that were glinting in the sunlight in a sinkhole. The fact that Pfister had come upon one of the most intact ...
A space internet project in its early stages has recently secured $650,000 in initial money to work on research and technical evaluations in order to link the Earth, the moon, and possibly Mars with high-speed internet access. In a press ...
The Juno probe, operated by NASA, has returned spectacular new images of Jupiter’s satellites Io and Europa. With 2 of Jupiter’s numerous satellites to the right side of the picture frame, the new image, released by NASA on March 16, gives ...
Researchers poring through ice cores containing around 60,000 years of events have discovered evidence of countless volcanic activities dating all the way back to the very last Ice Age, and 25 of said eruptions being greater than just about anything ...
Scientists at NLV have found a novel kind of ice that changes the way water behaves under extreme compression. In the same way that carbon may create diamonds as well as graphite under certain pressure & temperature circumstances, solid water can ...
Scientists have observed a relationship that suggests lithium may lower the chance of getting dementia, which affects almost 10 million individuals each year in the United States. The investigation, which was headed by scientists from the University of Cambridge, found ...
Long-term mourning disorder has been added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a codebook employed by different mental health experts. This is the most recent edition of the guide, which was published in 2005. Individuals who have ...
Whether normal people prefer to accept it or not, our planet floats around in space in the middle of the unknown. Astronomers had been well-aware of that for many decades. But even so, there are plenty of scientific discoveries that ...
In the same way that our ears turn noise into mechanical motion and electromagnetic information, researchers have developed a cloth that acts as a microphone. Nanometer-scale oscillations in all textiles are caused by audible noises, but these tremors are too ...