Due to its threatening look and growing reach in North America, the world’s biggest hornet has recently garnered widespread media attention. Although the term murder hornet may exaggerate the harm posed by the Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), biologists believe ...
A recent research discovered that sleeping for one night under a faint light, such as from a Small tv with the audio turned off, increased the blood glucose and heartbeat of healthy young individuals partaking in a sleep laboratory experiment. ...
It was recently discovered that a unique species of softshell turtle (Hutchemys walkerorum) inhabited North Dakota just at the final moments of the Cretaceous Period, roughly 66.5 million years in the past – a little before the extinction event that erased all of the ...
Two enormous blobs exist deep below the Earth’s mantle. One is located under Africa, whereas the other is practically exactly opposite, beneath the Pacific Ocean. However, these two masses are not symmetrical. According to new study, the blob under Africa ...
The Hubble Space Telescope recorded a laser-like jet that seems to be ejected by a young star. Hubble Space Telescope, March 7, 2022. (credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, B. Nisini) The outburst originated from a really new star that was just ...
NASA is always on the lookout for ‘possibly dangerous’ asteroids that might endanger Earth. NASA is also planning for the worst-case scenario: a collision with an asteroid. Yes, an asteroid might collide with Earth. In a surprising turn of events, ...
As researchers learn more about brains and how they operate, it’s useful to know how much brain tissue is needed to execute specific jobs – and it turns out that just 302 neurons are needed to make complicated judgments. A ...
Stone tools found at prehistoric sites seem to have gone through a pair of life cycles: they were produced, used, and then abandoned before being scooped up and utilized again. Recent research proposes an intriguing theory as to why this ...
Dr. Uma Naidoo, a psychiatrist, cognitive health researcher, and dietitian proposed a variety of brain-boosting food types that people aren’t eating enough of premised on her experience with hundreds of individuals – consuming them may enhance your mood, enhance your ...
A new research examined Megalodon’s body size in more detail in order to determine what may have motivated these prehistoric species to grow to such amazing proportions. They discovered that the maximum body size seems to be related to the ...
According to new exploratory research, the microorganisms in your guts may contribute to some behavioral characteristics. The authors of a research submitted in the journal Nutrient said that the study’s objective was to explore possible associations connecting gut microbiota with ...
We may learn about some distant extraterrestrial rocky planets with breathing atmospheres similar to Earth in a very short period of time. Those observations will be made possible by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which is now in the ...
While sniffer dogs are famous for their detecting abilities, a recent study reveals that ants may learn to recognize malignant cells far more quickly than their four-legged counterparts. The latest research, issued in the journal iScience, demonstrates that after only ...
A new study indicates that diversifying your protein sources can contribute significantly to lowering your risk of excessive blood pressure. Constantly elevated blood pressure may ultimately damage arteries and raise your chance of developing cardiovascular disease, so it’s critical to ...
Scientists have spotted a huge hadron collider for the first time ever using specialized equipment. Investigations performed with the H.E.S.S. gamma-ray observatory in Namibia reveal for the first time the trajectory of an acceleration mechanism in a star activity known ...
Half a century ago, scientists on one of NASA’s Apollo flights pounded a pair of 14-inch-long tubes into the moon’s surface. After filling the canisters with pebbles and dirt, Eugene Cernan, as well as Harrison “Jack” Schmitt, vacuum-sealed 1 of ...
In 2018, University of Bristol scientists demonstrated that electric fields created by weather activities are powerful enough to lift an electrostatically charged thread of web and its aviator spider off the soil surface. Recently, a new research that simulates the ...
The COVID-19 epidemic, which was unexpected, undesired, and overall unsexy, was likely the biggest stumbling block for the dating application sector. The business concept is based on forming close connections, which is often linked with casual sex (rightly or unjustly). ...
From the moment it was discovered in 2015, a meteorite crash crater in Greenland with a 31-kilometer-wide opening piqued the interest of experts worldwide. A massive impact crater on the surface of the earth is believed to have happened approximately ...
As shown in a recent research submitted in the journal PLOS ONE, therapies that include music and auditory rhythm stimulation are beneficial at lowering state anxiety in certain individuals. Anxiety has been progressively growing in recent years, especially among adolescents ...
Scientists’ hopes of recreating more renowned ancient species such as the woolly mammoth may have been dashed by an extinct rodent that once resided on an isle in the Indian Ocean. The Christmas Island rat vanished barely over a century ago, ...
It has long been believed that sharks do not slumber at all; the notion that certain sharks must remain active in order to breathe has led to this belief. Nevertheless, a recent study verifies what circumstantial evidence and previous studies ...
Quaise, a revolutionary energy firm founded in 2020, has gained a lot of attention for its bold objective of digging deeper into the crust of our planet than anyone has ever gone before. After the completion of the first phase ...
In order to live in the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean, Antarctic fish have developed adaptations over millennia. According to recent research, they have, though, lost their capacity to develop at the same speeds as their warmer-water counterparts, even ...
Anelosimus eximius is one species of spider that lives in extraordinarily huge nests of up to 1,000 distinct spiders who collaborate to weave webs multiple meters long. When prey comes into their net, these communal spiders synchronize their attacks and take ...