The Sun is perpetually bubbling and bursting thanks to its activity. If the surface eruptions are big enough, they can send billions of tons of plasma and charged particles towards our planet, according to Sciencealert. To analyze those sorts of ...

An international team of scientists reconstructed the history of the largest ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula. The new batch of data unveils incredible yet shocking information about the ice shelf. The team’s goal was to offer the best picture ...

Earth is covered in complex layers of gases that compose the atmosphere. They work as a global shield for all life on Earth. However, we are actively shrinking an entire one of those layers, known as the stratosphere, due to ...

  A group of scientists has published a new plan to save oceans, not only because it’s important, but for our health, too.  The new paper includes 35 ambitious first steps for action by various individuals and groups, such as ...

As we try to look for a better world, Earth itself has suffered quite some transformation in the last 60 years.  Forests turned into cropland, savannah into pastures, and that’s because we really have a part in deciding Earth’s future. ...

Auroras are very unique phenomenons. Some of them are known as diffuse auroras, as they are more like a persistent glow spread all across the sky. Scientists know a fair amount of details about those diffuse auroras, but there’s always ...

Recent research tries to raise awareness as a form of life vital for our survival might be soon disappearing. Now, it’s no secret anymore that Earth faces a major crisis. As if it wasn’t incredibly shocking that over 37,400 species ...

Scientists are perpetually searching for solutions to decrease our impact on Earth’s biosphere, and, as it’s such a vast and complicated subject, every little detail can have a significant impact. Believe it or not, even the shape of pasta can ...

New research unveils the danger Europe’s biggest ice cap faces. Microplastic particles of various materials and sizes have been found in the Vatnajokull glacier.  As the microplastic issue threatens Earth increasingly more, researchers raise awareness about it, highlighting the dangers ...

A new study highlights the danger the Arctic sea will face and the culprit to blame. Soon, the region will witness major changes that can’t be undone. A team of researchers explains how some “heat bombs” are flowing into the ...

Nutrition nowadays has more of a disease risk-reduction ability, focusing on a healthier lifestyle. What we choose to eat should be great for our heart, brain, and immune system. We no longer eat cautiously, only to stay fit but to ...

COVID-19 is a very challenging threat. Not only is it extremely dangerous, but there is little scientists can do to predict how it would affect different persons and how the situation would evolve. Scientists made significant progress since the beginning ...

As oceans are warming at an alarming rate, their currents are also manifesting violently. A new batch of satellite data shows how the speeds of ocean currents changed over time, and things don’t look as good as expected. Apparently, the ...

Recent data about Antarctic rainfall shows a massive incoming shift in weather patterns triggered by the forces of climate change. As per novel predictions, more rainfall is expected to fall along the coast of Antarctica, resulting in unprecedented scenarios. More ...

The Amazon rainforest and the massive ice sheets are threatened by global warming. Many tipping points triggered a lot by increasing temperatures could put us face to face with a catastrophic change in Earth’s climate system. So far, scientists focused ...

Calls to emergency departments suddenly increased in numbers in the wake of a thunderstorm that affected Melbourne, Australia, in 2016, Sciencealert reports. The event is a rare outbreak of “thunderstorm asthma,” the most intense ever recorded. A new model, posted ...

The Himalayan ice’ future has been previously believed to be at stake, but recent data shows that they’re more resilient to global warming.  Rock glaciers are somehow similar to “real” ice glaciers. They’re a mix of rock and ice, triggered ...

We spend most of the day in artificially lit rooms and also looking at different screens every day. Such a thing might confuse our internal clock more than we’ve imagined. A new study explains how artificial light might affect our ...

A recently discovered asteroid approximately the size of a car flew harmlessly by Earth in the morning of April 12. Astronomers figured out that the asteroid, known as 2021 GW4, is approximately 14 feet (4 meters) across – too small ...

As a new study about noisy environments emerges, we learn that noise pollution affects not only animal behaviour but also plants. As we proliferate, we have invaded the wildlife deeper, developing a huge increase in environmental sound with our industry, ...

We live on Earth, which is a part of the larger solar system. The solar system revolves around a central star of the milky Way Galaxy, which is also home to between 100 and 400 billion stars and only one ...

Between 2019 and 2020, Australia’s Black Summer bushfires brought destruction to land, animals, and natural habitats, in a terrible unchained hell on Earth. The impact was so huge that it still being measured. Recent data unveils shocking consequences to Earth’s ...

At the equator, the tropical water is home to one of the richest diversity of marine life on Earth. Massive aggregations of tunas, manta rays, vibrant coral reefs, and sea turtles are just among a few creatures that swim happily ...

Antarctica might be at a higher risk than previously believed due to warmer temperatures. New data reveals shocking details that predict a bleak future for all the Antarctic ice. The University of Reading realized advanced research anticipating how exposed the ...

The roof of the world will soon feel warmer than usual. New research explains how much warmer temperatures will transform the Tibetan Plateau. The warming process of the Tibetan Plateau has been observed since the 1960s. According to researchers, human ...