Check Out All Seven Outposts in Fortnite and the Vault Locations on the Map

Source: Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 has just welcomed the Seven Outpost Locations as brand-new landmarks. What’s best about them is that they come with some sleek Vaults that hide house top-tier weapons.

Discovering the Seven Outposts and Vaults is also part of the weekly challenges and the new Foundation Quests. How cool is that?

Here is what you need to know.

The Seven Outpost and Vault Locations in Fortnite Chapter 3

Source: Epic Games

The new Seven Outposts are across the far part of the Fortnite map. There are seven in total (as you’ve probably guessed), and one of them is right at the center of the map, while the others are scattered around the edges.

The Seven Outposts locations include:

  • West of Covert Cavern
  • Northeast of The Daily Bugle
  • Northwest of Logjam Lumberyard
  • At the center of the map, just northeast of Tilted Towers
  • Near the Mighty Monument statue east of Sanctuary
  • Directly south of Condo Canyon
  • Southwest of Greasy Grove

The Seven Outposts are pretty impressive because they’re hiding some incredible Vaults underground!

If you want to complete a challenge or just get high-tier loot, all you have to do is choose one of the locations mentioned above. However, if you have trouble finding any of the Seven Outpost locations, check out the following map below:

Source: Epic Games

How to Open a Vault

As you’ve already noticed, finding the Seven Outposts is quite simple. And once you’ve come across one, you have to go searching inside all of the surrounding buildings to an underground entrance.

Going underground will get you closer to a Vault. Make sure you have at least one other player with you or more (Trios or Squads are perfectly fine).

Source: Epic Games

But, if you prefer to play in Solo mode, you can actually try something cool. Find a chicken, grab it and unlock a Vault. However, as great as that could be, you should know that this loophole might not work.

Stay tuned for more Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.