Check Out the New Pokemon Go Charge Up Limited-time Event: Full Details

Pokemon Go’s Season of Legends just introduced Charge Up, a new electrifying limited-time event! You can now get your hands on the fantastic Gen V’s Tynamo, collect some cool rewards, get a Porygon 2 upgrade, and more.

The new limited-time event is celebrating the series’ most popular Electric-types ‘mon. Discover now all the tasks and rewards.

Here is what you need to know.

Charge-up Event Date and Other Useful Details

The Charge-up limited-time event kicked in on March 16 and is available until March 22 at 8:00 PM local time.

Charge-up features the arrival of the Elektross evolution line and Manectric’s Mega Evolution.

Charge-up Full Tasks and Rewards

Pokemon Go’s Charge-up comes with some pretty easy tasks and well-deserved rewards. The best of the rewards, however, is the Tynamo and Porygon upgrade. 

First task

  • Power up a Pokemon 5 times: 10x Poke Ball;
  • Catch a Pokemon: Voltorb;
  • Catch 5 Electric-type Pokemon: Pikachu.

Final rewards: 10x Ampharos Mega Energy, Tynamo encounter, and 1x Unova Stone.

Tips: try using an Incense; every time an Electric-type spawns, catch it; sort your ‘mon by lowest CP to power up them quickly.

Second task

  • Make three Great throws: Magnemite;
  • Make three Nice throws in a row: Magnemite;
  • Make three Curveball throws: Magnemite.

Final rewards: 10x Manectric Mega Energy, Sinnoh stone, and a Magneton encounter.

Tips: get three throws in a row first; choose Spoink or Electabuzz for a better catch area.

Third task

  • Evolve three Electric-type;
  • Use seven Berries to help catch Pokemon: 10x Poke Ball;
  • Power up Pokemon 10 times: 3x Razz Berry.

Final rewards: 1x Upgrade, Porygon encounter, and 15x Ampharos Mega Energy.

Tips: sort your Pokemon by lowest CP to power them up; choose ‘mon who have a low upgrade cost.

Fourth task

  • Power up Pokemon 15 times: Manectric;
  • Transfer 15 Pokemon: 10x Poke Balls;
  • Evolve five Electric-type Pokemon: Jolteon.

Final rewards: 15x Manectric Mega Energy, Tynamo encounter, and 1x Unova stone.

Tips: unload all Pokemon you have been catching and transfer them; evolve Tynamo or Magnemite. 

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.