Diablo 4 DLC Expansion Will Be Soon Available As the Game Finally Arrives


Even though Diablo IV is only just about to debut on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One today (June 5), Blizzard has already been hard at work behind the scenes on new content. Diablo IV already boasts more post-launch content than any other Diablo game because the team is working on two expansions, completing Season 1 and beginning production on Season 2. Isn’t that incredible?

As I sit here, we’re about to launch the main game; we’re finishing up season one, we’re working on season two, we’re working on expansion one, we’re kicking off expansion two — we’re working on that now, and we haven’t even launched the game, related Rod Fergusson, the Diablo general manager.

There was just one post-launch expansion for both Diablo II and Diablo III, but Diablo IV is expected to have the most post-launch content updates of any Diablo game. Fergusson, however, has stated that because of Diablo IV’s live-service style, the team will be able to add more to the game’s plot through Seasonal content and that two seasons are currently in the works.

Diablo IV’s Seasons, which span around three months apiece, and their accompanying Battle Passes have already been detailed by Blizzard. The first season will release in late July, bringing with it more substantial story quests.

The Diablo video game series consists of the original Diablo, as well as Diablo II, Diablo III, and Diablo IV. The expansions Lord of Destruction, produced by Blizzard, and Reaper of Souls, published by a third party, follow the second and third games, respectively.

Humans, angels, and many types of demons and creatures populate the series’ dark fantasy realm of Sanctuary. Due to the high demand for materials in the Diablo universe, several books have been written about the games and their worlds. The Universe of Sanctuary is also the setting for comic books that tell a variety of storylines.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.