Diablo 4’s Battle Pass is Said to Take Up to 80 Hours to Complete, But It’s That Necessarily True?


True fans and players of Diablo, get ready for what’ll seem to be the greatest journey of your lives! Like its predecessor, Diablo 4 will follow a seasonal schedule, and there should be plenty of stuff for players to explore, including the much-awaited Battle Pass. But I bet you won’t be ready for the next thing!

The actual duration of each season’s battle pass was revealed by associate game director Joe Piepiora in an interview with PC Gamer. Well, things will be, at least, interesting, if not too exhausting. Here’s what Piepiora said:

Right now, the battle pass, when you’re figuring in completing the season journey alongside doing other content in the game, you’re looking at roughly 80 hours worth of time invested to complete the entirety of the battle pass[…]; to level a character to level 100 could take a little longer than that based on how you play.

So, 80 hours for a Battle Pass…who would’ve believed?!

Thanks to the intervie,w we also came across some cool insights and other essential details about Diablo 4, including how the battle bass system will operate. Based on the information, we’ll practically have a brand-new seasonal character that starts at level 1 for each season. And as we raise our character up to level 100, completing season-specific goals will advance you through the combat pass. How cool is that?!

Piepiora also made sure to underline that Diablo 4 isn’t at all designed to make us feel “that they must play forever,” stating that the game is, first and foremost, an action RPG rather than an MMO.

Other Diablo 4 Details

During the Diablo 4 beta test, fans were actually given a great sneak peek of the upcoming live-service components of the game. During that, it became evident that Blizzard is really doubling down on the seasonal model that gave Diablo 3 the high fame. In addition to more substantial clan systems, quality-of-life enhancements, more major meta refreshes, and, most crucially, new challenges and features per season, Blizzard plans to include cosmetic-only microtransactions. Another thing that you have to admit: you didn’t expect it!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.