Elden Ring Patch v1.03: What Are The Latest Changes?

Credit: Elden Ring

Elden Ring’s patch number 1.03 is now out, and FromSoftware has aimed to include a large number of changes this time.

The major feature of the patch will be a reduction to the Ash of War Hoarfrost Stomp, which will make it substantially less intimidating in both PvE and PvP, according to the devs.
There will also be a slew of bug patches as well as new mission stages introduced to the game. Fans of Elden Ring may visit the official site for a thorough presentation of the patch.

Here are all of the important features for a quick overview.

Table of Contents


• The visual impact of the Unseen Form spell has been tweaked.
• Removed the Ragged armor after it was accidentally made available in a previous release.
• A problem causing arcane to scale erroneously for certain weapons has been fixed.
• A issue causing the conversation to be missed while chatting to NPCs and using specific key configurations has been solved.
• A issue that caused the wrong sound effect to play in certain scenarios has been fixed.
• A issue that caused the player to stall when riding has been fixed.
• A issue in certain boss encounters prohibited summoned NPCs from receiving damage was fixed.
• A issue that prohibited the player from progressing to the next region after defeating the Fire Giant was fixed.
• A issue that prohibited the player from collecting an item after a boss fight was fixed.
• Fixed a problem that caused the impact of Fire’s Deadly Sin incantation to vary.
• Fixed a problem that caused certain weapons’ scaling to be wrong after they were strengthened.
• Fixed a problem that prevented certain weapons from using stat scaling.
• A issue that caused visual motion and hitboxes to not appear properly on certain maps has been fixed.
• When playing online, an issue was fixed that caused the multiplayer area boundaries to be shown improperly.
• Fixed a problem that caused certain foes’ visuals and behavior to be inaccurate.
• Introduced talisman bag to Twin Maiden Husks store line up in situations when the player can’t get more than two talisman pouches.
• Other bug fixes and efficiency enhancements.

New additions

• When you meet an NPC on the map, you may now register a symbol and the name of that NPC.
• New quest stages have been added for the the next NPCs: Gatekeeper Gostoc,  Diallos, Nepheli Loux and Kenneth Haight
• Some open field areas now have night background music.
• Jar-Bairn, an NPC, has been added.
• Added various summonable NPCs that may be used in a variety of circumstances.
• When utilizing Mimic’s Veil, the range of patterns of items that may be imitated has been increased.

Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.