Find Spray Cans in Fortnite Season 7 – Locations, Tips, and More

A new set of weekly challenges is now available in Fortnite! Season 7 has added a bunch of new content for you to dive in, from sleek new battle pass skins and scary UFOs to more stuff yet to come, ready to offer you the best experience ever.

One of the recent quests this week includes finding and collecting some spray cans around the Island. We’ve compiled a list with all the locations so that you can find the spray cans easily.

Curious to find out more?

Where to Find All the Spray Cans in Fortnite?

The newest task challenges players to find some spray cans around Fortnite Island. As easy as it might sound, you should know that there isn’t going to be an easy quest.

In total, there are eight spray cans that you have to locate and collect. Luckily, there are only two locations on the map where you can find them, Pleasant Park and Dirty Docks.

Both locations are pretty popular, and they didn’t change that much in Season 7. For Dirty Docks, just head to the western part of the map, while Pleasant Park is right in the northern portion of the Fortnite map.

Check out all of the spray cans locations:

Dirty Docks

There are three spray cans at Dirty Docks close one to another, so it won’t be hard to find them. 

Below, you can see all the locations of spray cans at Dirty Docks:

Pleasant Park

You can find three spray cans on the right part at this location, close one to another. Check the image below for all the locations:

As of now, this challenge is only one of the primary quests for the second week of Fortnite Season 7. Even if the spray cans might be hard to find at first, due to their small size, you’re still lucky because there are only two locations where you can find them.

Season 7 of Fortnite will bring a new set of challenges next week, so you better complete the current ones to gain some sweet XP.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.