Find the Last Present in Fortnite Winterfest 2021

Source: Epic Games

Fornite Chapter 3 has added a great deal of fun stuff, including a new set of Winterfest challenges.

Winterfest is an exciting event if you’re looking for an easy way to collect some sweet XP and rewards, including a creepy Frozen Peely skin that’s very popular. However, as nice as that could be, the event is coming to an end, and most players have opened every present under Sgt. Winter’s watchful eye at Crackshot Cabin.

But how about the last present? Did you open it?

Here is what you need to know.

Where is the Last Present?

Well, that might be pretty confusing, but there is no last present to open in Fortnite. And that’s not all!

If you noticed, the Fortnite lobby says there’s one last gift available to open. But how’s that possible?

Source: Epic Games

Most importantly, what’s inside the last present?

If you’ve opened all 14 (visible) presents in Crackshot’s Cabin, then that’s all! You’ve actually got everything. Still confused?

On the other hand, that doesn’t mean we won’t get a bonus last gift in the future. So, what’s the deal with the last present?

Epic Games explained on Twitter, following hours of the game downtime towards the end of 2021, promising as well to ‘make up for lost time.’ What does this mean?

Check out Epic’s post on Twitter:

So, there’s still a pretty huge chance to get that extra present, or maybe it is just a glitch. Unfortunately, Epic didn’t explain the situation that much.

The Winterfest 2021 edition is expected to come to an end on January 6, 2022.

What’s Inside the Last Present: What to Expect?

We don’t know for sure what’s inside the mysterious last present, but it depends on whether there is a bug or a teaser from Epic.

Considering the recently added stuff, we hope for a Spider-Man-related thing, most likely an MJ skin (on all the presents, there is a ‘from MJ’ tag).

Stay tuned for more Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.