Boss battles are scattered over the map of Fortnite in each season, which is really incredible considering the perks it comes with! There are also a ton of hidden treasures on the map no matter what season of Fortnite you’re playing, from NPCs selling exotic weaponry and dangerous animals that you can ride to POIs based on your favorite characters. But the thing with the bosses around the map shouldn’t be a missed opportunity.
The boss in Fortnite is a tough NPC that is particularly challenging to beat since it attacks you right away, has some strong weapons, and has a lot of health. So, we’ve compiled a sleek guide on everything you need to know. Check it out below!
Fortnite Boss Locations on the Map
The Ageless Champion in The Citadel is the only boss at the moment in Fortnite Chapter 4: Season 1. The boss may be found in the throne chamber of the main castle.
TIP: check out the top floors, as the boss likes to wander there!
If you’re having trouble finding the boss, its location is marked on the map below:

How to Defeat the Ageless Champion?

First, you should load up on quality weaponry before facing the Ageless Champion. The good news is that you can accomplish this in and around The Citadel because many common chests and even Oathbound Chests store uncommon weaponry.
TIP: try using short-to-medium-range weapons like a shotgun or an assault rifle!
The Ageless Champion will be armed with an Ex-Caliber Rifle and a Shockwave Hammer, allowing him to attack you from a distance or up close. Be ready for a lengthy battle because he has a lot of health to lose!
TIP: make sure you’ve got cover nearby and keep a Shield Potion or a Med-Mist in your inventory!
A smart strategy is to team up with buddies, and the battle will go much more quickly and smoothly. And if you’re feeling like having a ball, you may serve as a diversion while the other members of your squad deliver damage while remaining at a safe distance.
Stay tuned for more cool Fortnite news and tips!
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