Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 – Best Landing Spots

Source: Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 aired a few months ago, shaking up once again the whole Island. The Fortnite map has been upgraded, and now there’s a mix of new and old, with some of the best locations!

Many of those areas match the season’s epic medieval theme, like the impressive castle at The Citadel or the houses at Faulty Splits. Of course, there’s more than that, and we’ve compiled a sleek guide on everything you need to know about Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1’s map, including the best landing spots available.

The Citadel

Source: Epic Games

The Citadel is on the western part of the map and is already considered one of the best POI! It’s also massive thanks to the impressive castle with tons of rooms and corridors to explore, full of valuable items and weapons (including Chests and Oathbound Chests).

Faulty Splits

Source: Epic Games

If you’re looking for more loot, Faulty Splits is definitely the right place for you!

This POI is so great that it actually hides 57 regular Chests, five top-tier Oathbound Chests, and more yet to discover. There’s also a chance to get the Epic rarity Assault Rifle from the Scrapknight Jules, or the Rocket Launcher, too.

Frenzy Fields

Source: Epic Games

What’s best about this POI is that it resembles a lot the Chapter 2 location dubbed Frenzy Farm! So, if you want to kick in some nostalgia, that’s the perfect landing spot for you.

You can also come across plenty of floor loot at the Frenzy Fields, with long-range weapons like the DMR.

Shattered Slabs

Source: Epic Games

Shattered Slabs has the Kinetic Ore, which is useful for launching at your opponents and completing some challenges to grab XP, but you can also find many zip lines and dirt bikes.

You might also find underground tunnels and other cool places to hide and surprise your enemies!

Lonely Labs

Source: Epic Games

Lonely Labs is the perfect POI if you want some shelter! This place is so far out on the map that there’s no chance you’ll get to compete with too many players.

You can also find a pretty good deal of Ammo Boxes and Chests.

Stay tuned for more sleek Fornite news and tips!

Georgia Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.