Fortnite: Dial A Drop Location and How to Use It

Source: Epic Games

Dial A Drop is new in Fortnite, and it’s already causing some trouble for players looking for it. The item allows you to choose between different care packages for you and your team. How cool is that?

Wondering where to find the Dial A Drop in Fornite Chapter 3 Season 4? We’ve compiled a sleek guide on everything you need to know about the Dial A Drop item and how to use it.

Dial A Drop Location in Fortnite Season 4

The new Dial A Drop item is pretty cool, and while it isn’t exactly a weapon, it somehow helps you fill out your inventory. It’s also great because it allows you to choose wisely between three various drops with many resources for you and your squad.

Source: Epic Games

Coming across Dial A Drop is relatively easy because it’s actually part of the regular loot pool in Fortnite. What does this mean? Well, it means that you’ll have to look for Chests or check the floor loot a lot.

BONUS: head to Cloudy Condos, Shiny Sound, or Tilted Towers for extra chances to find this rare item!

Fortnite Dial A Drop: How to Use It?

Finding Dial A Drop shouldn’t trouble you that much, but how about using it?

As previously mentioned, using the Dial A Drop lets you choose between various stuff, like the following three drops:

  • Standard: brings a regular Supply Drop with an excellent mix of healing items and weapons
  • Healing: offers a Supply Drop with Health and Shield stuff
  • Vehicle: you can get a pickup truck with a sleek Cow Catcher and Off-Road Tires

That’s pretty much everything you need to know right now about the Dial A Drop item. Quite impressive, isn’t it?!

The Standard Supply Drop should always be the best option as it comes with lots o items and could also bring you much-needed high-tier weapons.

Stay tuned for more Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.