Fortnite Paradise: New Season 4 Release Date, Theme, and More

Source: Epic Games

Wondering about Fortnite Paradise and the new Season 4? There are only a few days left of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3, and leaks are already pointing to some major changes.

Epic Games hints at a Paradise of some kind in Fortnite, stirring quite the buzz among players. Until we all figure out what’s the real deal with Fortnite Paradise, let’s check out the latest leaks for a sneak peek!

Fortnite Paradise: Release Date

Fortnite Paradise has just been teased as the latest major thing to drop in our battleground royale. But what is this Fortnite Paradise?

Epic didn’t reveal many details about that; it just shared many live-action teaser videos on social media, like Twitter and TikTok. Check out what Epic tweeted:

Well, that looks pretty creepy, right?! Only the thought of “It consumes everything” sounds strange.

Fortnite Paradise could totally be the name of the next Fortnite Season 3. Actually, it makes sense if you think about it, but who knows?!

When’s Fortnite Season 4 Going to be Released?

By the looks of the Paradise website, Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 is expected to air on September 18, 2022. If that turns out to be true, we might get to see the new season in only a couple of days!

Another curious teaser shared by Epic Games and spotted by popular tipster HYPEX shows:

The Chrome liquid appears again, modifying stuff entirely. This mysterious substance could be a big thing in Fortnite Season 4. For example, it could spread all over the map just like Reality Tree did this season.

Some leakers believe that the Chrome thing could work like sand tunneling, allowing players to sneak around from one area to another. That would be at least sleek!

Or, we might use the substance as a power to attack the opponents somehow. Who knows what Fortnite Paradise’s plans are? Until Epic doesn’t release more details, anything could be possible!

Stay tuned for more cool Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.