Fortnite Season 5 Leaked Week 12 Challenges: What to Expect

Fortnite is gearing up to introduce a new series of challenges soon! Thanks to data-miners, we can now get a glimpse of Fortnite Season 5 Week 12 brand-new tasks. 

The leaked challenges include catching different weapon types from fishing sports, dealing damage within 15 seconds of gliding, and more yet to be discovered. 

Here is what you need to know.

Fortnite Season 5 Week 12 New Challenges

A new week in Fortnite means brand-new challenges. This week is no different from the others, meaning we still have to deal with many tasks, quests and, of course, collect that much-needed XP!

Remember that the following challenges have been leaked. So, you should expect a few changes.

Here are all of this week challenges:

  • Search for a family portrait on a shipwreck (1);
  • Deal damage within 15 seconds of gliding (200);
  • Catch different weapon types from fishing sports (3);
  • Visit Scenic Spot, Mount Kay, and Gorgeous Gorge (1);
  • Hit different opponents with a harpoon gun;
  • Destroy inflatable tube men llamas at gas stations (3);
  • Successfully throw a fish back into the water (1).

As for this week’s legendary challenge, you’ll need to hit an opponent within 10 seconds of Zero Point Dashing. Doing that and succeeding might bring you a bit of trouble.

However, some tips and tricks will be available soon, so stay tuned!

More Details

Now, we’re just almost a month away from Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6. Epic Games published the v15.40 update recently, and it wasn’t well-received by all players. The reason?

The content lacks big time! In chapter 1, the devs added a huge Fortnite patch update every two weeks.

That brought us a great deal of content, including new weapons, features, and other sleek items. 

However, since chapter 2, Epic Games has chosen to keep things under a low-profile. Such a thing brought constant disappointment among fans worldwide.

Let’s hope the sixth season will bring all the goodies we need so much!


Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.