Fortnite Season 6 Tips & Tricks – Level Up Faster and Collect More XP

Fortnite Season 6 aired a few weeks ago, and a brand-new Battle Pass is now available. There are also many things to unlock, including skins and cosmetics, such as DC Comics hero Raven or Lara Croft. 

Given the quality of rewards this season, you’ll probably want to level up faster and collect that sweet XP. But that can sometimes seem like one of the most challenging things to do, especially if you’ve tried the most common ways.

Luckily, the following tips and tricks might help you.

Here is what you need to know.

Fortnite Challenges

Fortnite adds weekly a new set of seven Epic challenges and a single Legendary quest.

Completing every challenge can grant you over 250,000 XP, so working your way through every quest is clearly the best way to max out that Battle Pass.

The brand-new challenges are available every Thursday at 6 AM PT, 9 AM ET, and 2 PM BST. 

Fortnite Milestones

Season 6 brought back the praised Milestone to Fortnite! These are some quests that appear when you’ve reached a specific target.

Most Milestones include tasks such as destroying items or driving around a certain length. You probably solved some without even realizing it during your regular play. 

However, if you wonder what the Milestones are, you can check up the following list:

  • Light structures with fire (25/50/100/250/500);
  • Chop down trees (100/250/500/1000/2500);
  • Destroy stones (25/100/250/500/1000);
  • Refuel vehicles (5/25/50/100/200);
  • Complete bounties (5/25/50/75/100);
  • Harpoon eliminations (1/3/10/25/50);
  • Give thanks to the bus driver (10/25/50/100/200);
  • Consume foraged items (10/50/100/250/500);
  • Look for ice machines (5/25/75/150/300);
  • Deal damage from above (1000/5000/10000/25000/50000);
  • Eliminations while driving (2/5/15/50/100);
  • Destroy shrubs (25/50/100/250/500);
  • Don disguises (3/25/50/100/200).

Fortnite Party Assist

Party Assist is probably the best feature so far! If you play with your friends in Squads, Duos, or Trios, every Epic and Legendary challenge you complete will be shared between all players.

For example, if you have to deal with a Legendary quest, everything will become easier because your entire team is involved. That could take you a quarter of the time, which is really a blast.

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks! Epic Games updates Fortnite regularly, so new stuff should be soon available.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.