Fortnite: Where Are the Upgrade Benches on the Map

Epic Games

Fortnite‘s Upgrade Bench is a helpful tool for upgrading your weapons in just a few seconds. These Upgrade Benches are now scattered across the Season 2 island, and you might find it quite challenging to come across some. Luckily, we’ve compiled a guide on everything you should know about Fortnite’s Upgrade Benches, including their exact locations on the current map and how to upgrade your favorite weapons.

Fortnite Upgrade Benches On the Map

There’s good news and bad news. First, nearly every island POI from Season 2 has an Upgrade Bench, which is cool. But you won’t find any of these Benches at Brutal Bastion and Lonely Labs, which are right next to the Snow Biome. The highest chance for you to find Upgrade Benches in Fortnite 100 % is to head to the eastern and western edges of the island.

Check out the map below, courtesy of

Credit: Fortnite.GG

Now, let’s discuss more serious matters.

How to Use an Upgrade Bench?

Finding an Upgrade Bench isn’t a problem anymore, is it? How about using it? Well, that’s a different thing, and you shouldn’t worry because everything you have to do is use the white arrow symbol on your mini-map. Much like in the below picture:

Credit: Epic Games

Next, simply walking up to a Bench with your weapon equipped, and you will get an upgrade. Remember that Gold is required for all your weapon upgrades, so make sure you have enough! Also, you’ll need to spend lots of bars to increase the rarity of your weapon before you can complete your upgrade (interact with the bench in the game). Quite impressive, isn’t it?!

TIP: an upgrade bench cannot be used to increase the stats of a utility, mythic, legendary, or exotic item.

The costs for the upgrades are:

  • Common to Uncommon – 100
  • Uncommon to Rare – 250
  • Rare to Epic – 375
  • Epic to Legendary – 500


Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.