Google’s Auto-archive is Something We Really Needed in Our Lives

Credit: Androidpolice

Google is permanently improving our experience with its devices and, of course, features and services. Now, it’s Google Play’s turn to get something new and shiny! The service will soon be able to archive your least-used applications automatically. Quite impressive, isn’t it?! Well, the best thing is that you can start to maximize your storage more clever without deleting the actual apps.

Why was this decision necessary, you may ask?! Let’s face it: dealing with storage limitations has become a very serious issue for many of us. And the worse thing could also happen when phone makers delete microSD card ports, making everything even harder. But as a lot of devices come with a cool yet sometimes a bit expensive option to pay more for actual more storage, some of us feel somehow forced to do something we really can’t do or simply don’t want to, right?! Some companies even go further and provide you a little amount of room to work with, then shortly after start to charge you. What a shame!

Of course, there are many solutions to that, but what if we’re in a hurry or technology just isn’t our thing? And suddenly, the situation gets challenging, and it might be difficult to find enough space if you enjoy downloading media or playing certain games. Fortunately, this is where Google truly shines. Let’s see the perks of the new feature!

The tech giant first proposed app archiving as a way to assist us to manage our limited storage space back in 2022. Now, the company is improving the concept so that it operates automatically and will soon start rolling out on our devices!

How’s the new feature going to work?

Pretty simple! According to reports, the new auto-archive thingy will be able to highly reduce an app’s size by around 60% without deleting it entirely. How cool is that?!

You can also start to conserve space without losing your progress in your favorite apps or games. One of the best things is that you will still be able to see the app’s icon in your launcher. Quite sleek, isn’t it?! But, in order to preserve space, Google will have to do something else: removing the majority of the code and resources from apps, you don’t use frequently.

And here’s the catch: when you’ll want to use the apps again, Google will then automatically download them from the Play Store!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.