How to Hide in a Giant Snowball in Fortnite and Complete the Challenge

Source: Epic Games

Did you know that giant snowballs are really a thing in Fortnite Chapter 4? If you’re wondering how to make a snowball as big as a house and hide in it, fear not. We’ve come up with a sleek guide on how to do that and more!

Winterfest 2022 has also aired, and everything is so Christmas-like. We’ve got presents to open daily, new challenges to complete, and, of course, be all so joyful and enjoy the holidays!

Here is what you need to know.

Fortnite Winterfest 2022: the Giant Snowball

If you don’t know how to deal with the giant snowball situation in Fortnite and complete the Winterfest challenge, we’ve got you covered!

The best thing about this is that you can have lots of fun in the snow. You start by creating a massive snowball using a pickaxe and swinging it at the snow on the ground. Do that enough, and you’ll see how everything takes the perfect shape!

Some of the best places to make a perfect snowball are to head to the northwest corner of the map, as the snow there is really satisfying and enough to do your thing!

TIP: try a POI with opponents to ambush like Brutal Bastion.

Next, interact with your giant snowball and hide inside. That’s all. Isn’t it impressive?!

Source: Epic Games

The Winterfest challenge has players do a giant snowball and hide in it, but it comes with a catch. You must do that at three locations: Brutal Bastion, Frosty Firs, and Lonely Labs.

What’s best is that the POIs are pretty close on the map, so you shouldn’t find it too difficult to travel between them. You could actually complete the challenge in a single match!

Stay tuned for more sleek Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.