iOS 17 Public Beta Release: Key Features and Specs to Wait For!


At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) back in June 2023, Apple released iOS 17, which included a number of significant updates and brand-new capabilities. And holy cow, these changes are killing it! The Cupertino-based tech giant quickly followed up on the end of the event by making the first beta version of iOS 17 available to developers only for testing reasons. Additionally, the company revealed that iOS 17 will soon be available for beta testing by the general public sometime this July.

Apple is Planning to Release the Public Beta Version of iOS 17 in July; What Should You Expect?

Apple said during its WWDC 2023 event that the first public beta of iOS 17 will be made available for testing in July and that the beta will be open to everyone. But we are now more than halfway through the month of July, and we are still awaiting the public beta. So, what’s happening?! This indicates that the tech giant may launch the beta either this week or the next one (fingers crossed!).

At the moment, iOS 17 is participating in its third beta cycle. This indicates that it will most likely be the latest version that Apple will release to the public beta testers after making a few modifications to it. It is usually a good idea to hold off on downloading the first beta release of iOS because these builds are notorious for being riddled with bugs and other problems.


The Key Features of iOS 17

iOS 17 comes with a redesigned Control Center that flaunts a sleek appearance and boasts some cool controls that are grouped in a tidy fashion. When compared to the version that is now available, the Lock Screen has also received a great deal of enhancements. Even while it has the same general layout, it provides you with more options for personalization, ones that we all love and cannot wait for!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.