iPadOS 17: Stage Manager and Widgets’ Upgrade and New Features


Great news for iPad users! The introduction of much-requested improvements to Stage Manager and widgets in iPadOS 17 is now available, and boy, do they look cool! Apple will be releasing a new upgrade for iPad users later this year, despite the fact that the majority of attention over the past two weeks has been directed at Vision Pro and iOS 17. The current version of iPadOS 17 is in the beta phase.

We’ve compiled a sleek mini-guide on the latest iPadOS 17 features, including the Stage Manager and widgets. Let’s delve into more details!

Widgets on the Home Screen that are more adaptable

Because iPadOS 17 has been updated, the widgets may now be interacted with (yay!). This enables you to execute actions such as playing music, finishing a task on a to-do list, and other similar activities without having to launch the program that corresponds to that widget.

The best thing, though, is that you are now able to position widgets wherever on the Home Screen, which allows for even greater levels of customization. This includes the capability to recreate the row of widgets that runs along the side of the Home Screen on the iPad.

Stage Manager upgrade

The most significant improvement is that iPadOS 17 provides you now with a great deal more flexibility when it comes to organizing and resizing windows with Stage Manager. There is a significant increase in adaptability and better support for windows that overlap one another.

Check out this, for instance. By holding down the Shift key while clicking on application icons, you can quickly bring up new windows in the workspace you’re using. How cool! It is a lot better system than what was provided in the first edition of Stage Manager, despite the fact that there is still not as much freedom as there is on the Mac.

What are your opinions on Apple’s iPadOS 17 and the additional updates that are now available? What would you want to see up next?

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.