macOS Sonoma: Support For Desktop Widgets, a Game Mode, and More


Sonoma, the newest version of macOS, promises to focus on widget management and efficiency and to also include a few surprises. Widgets, which were previously unmoving, can now be freely positioned on the desktop thanks to the new operating system. That’s incredible! Imagine how convenient it would be if, while one gadget is in use, all the others just disappeared. Pretty sleek!

Sonoma, also known as macOS 14, will be able to exchange data with your iPhone’s widgets via Continuity. How does that work? Widgets on your iOS device may be accessed and interacted with on a desktop computer as long as your device is close; there’s no need to download and install them separately, which is really convenient.

Now, let’s explore Apple’s macOS Sonoma in further depth!

The new macOS features Game Mode, which can prioritize CPU and GPU performance for better framerates and eliminate background chores. This mode is particularly fantastic since it is compatible with any game, including those that have not yet been released for Mac. All future works from Kojima Productions, including Death Stranding: Director’s Cut, are also coming to Mac this year.

In addition to halving the system’s Bluetooth sampling latency, Game Mode also decreases audio latency in AirPods and input latency in gamepads.

What else is new?

The new versions of Safari emphasize security and privacy. Sonoma incorporates several Safari user accounts, each with its own set of bookmarks, favorites, history, and extensions. Additional tracker-blocking mechanisms and a feature that closes private windows when not in use make private surfing on Safari even more secure in Sonoma.

Sonoma adds a Presenter Overlay mode to Mac video conferencing, allowing you to stand in front of the shared information rather than in front of a blank screen. Teams, Zoom, and other popular apps will start to support hand gestures for adding video effects like balloons and hearts to conversations.

Sonoma’s test for developers is already live, and the public beta will launch in July. Expect it this fall as a free upgrade to your existing software!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.