Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024: Skydive Aviation, VIP Charter Services, Hot Air Balloons, and More


Skydiving, aviation in hot air balloons, and a great deal of other exciting content are coming with the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. Are you prepared to take part in an exciting new immersive experience?

The Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 will be released the next year with a number of significant improvements to the aircraft that you may select and experiment with. For example, you can get the chance to pilot cargo transport and industrial cargo planes, as well as helicopters for distant cargo operations. Isn’t that just marvelous?! In addition, Asobo displayed air racing, tours in hot air balloons, VIP charter services, and, of course, skydiving aviation.

Luckily, there’s more!

Pilots that use the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 will also have access to every aircraft they’ve ever wanted. What’s your favorite so far? One of your options is to work in search and rescue, while another is to be a member of a mountain rescue team or fly an air ambulance. That’s very remarkable, don’t you think?

What are your thoughts so far about Microsoft Flight Simulator’s development? What would you like to see next and why?

And the finest part is that on November 3, the current edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator will receive a great Dune update (finally!), packed with one of the starships from the movie.

So, until next year when Microsoft will release Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 for both the Xbox Series S/X and PCs, we’ll have the Dune update to keep us warm a bit.

The Microsoft Flight Simulator is one of the best series of flight simulator apps that has ever existed. The game is compatible with the MS-DOS operating system, Classic Mac OS, and, of course, Microsoft Windows. Back in the day, when it was released, it came as a pioneering product in the company’s application portfolio and stood in stark contrast to the company’s other software.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.