Peter Pan & Wendy Trailer Looks Unbelievably Cool

Credit: Disney+

Peter Pan and Wendy are getting ready for their life’s adventure in a new movie! Are you feeling nostalgic yet? With another live-action adaptation of one of its cherished animation classics, Disney is doing what it does best: creating memories. The Darling kids have whisked away to Neverland in the new trailer for Peter Pan & Wendy, which you definitely have to watch below:

Doesn’t it look amazing, especially in that Full-HD element?! Well, there’s more to discuss about what’s coming next, but let’s start with what we know so far. The new Peter Pan and Wendy movie is set to debut on Disney Plus at the end of April. So, in only a few weeks, we’ll be able to enjoy, once again, a story that never dies, rooted so much in our childhood and portrayed so beautifully on the screen! Although this film is billed as a reinvention, it doesn’t appear all that different from the original stories.

What’s the storyline?

You might be surprised, but the new adaptation is quite ferocious! Wendy, for example, appears to be particularly worried about some significant life changes in this adaptation of the narrative. She is definitely experiencing greater internal strife. so maybe that’s why, this time around, she’s wearing a sword (yep, you’ve read correctly!). Obviously, there are only so many ways this narrative might finish, but hey, there are only so many ways this story could go, and all of them tell the same old story in the end, aren’t they?!

Going back to Wendy, because let’s face it, she’s a total badass, excuse my language, and she deserves the world (hers or ours). In contrast to past adaptations, Wendy, who is beautifully portrayed by Ever Anderson (who you might know from Black Widows, where she was the young Natasha Romanoff), appears to be involved in more action in this one. At one point, for instance, she even picks up a sword to defend her brothers.

Peter Pan & Wendy will officially air on Disney+ on April 28.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.