Pokemon Go June Community Day Revealed – Full Schedule, Gible Arrival, and More

There are still weeks before June kicks in, but Niantic knows how to surprise its fandom. News about a new Community Day featuring Gible has been announced recently, and we couldn’t be more excited!

After Swablu has stolen the spotlight this month, Gible will take its place in June. The ‘mon is the first in the evolution line that leads to the powerful Salamence. Curious to find when the new Community Day will take place?

Here is what you need to know.

Pokemon Go Community Day June Edition

Niantic confirmed on its official Twitter account the launch of a new Community Day on June 6, featuring Gible.

As the Community Day’s headliner, Gible will sure take us places. So, be sure to be ready for it!

Prepare For the New Community Day

If you want to take part in the next Gible Community Day, here’s how you can do it:

  • Pokecoins are extremely valuable, so get as many as you can;
  • Try to spend your Pokecoins wisely, on at least two incenses;
  • Poke Balls are also necessary! Be sure to bring a lot of them with you;
  • Don’t forget about Pokemon Candy! Collect as much as you can for Gible to evolve it.

Evolving Gible is quite the process. First, there is Gabite, then Garchomp that it will come with the Earth Power attack. 

Remember that you’ll only have two hours after Community Day ends to evolve Gabite and get the exclusive attack.

Gible’s Catch Rate and Shiny Version

Every Community Day, we get increased catch rates for the Headliner Pokemon and its Shiny catch rate.

Gible has a cool Shiny version that you don’t want to miss out! There’s also a 3x Catch XP bonus and more stuff yet to be discovered.

Special Research

Gible Community Day will add a set of optional Special Research challenges. It costs $1 in the in-game Shop and is dubbed “Just a Nibble.”




Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.