Pokemon Go New Battle League Season 8 – Start Date, Rewards, and Features

Pokemon Go is gearing up for a new season of Battle League! Niantic has recently announced the news, and we couldn’t be more excited.

Season 8 of Pokemon Go Battle League will introduce a bunch of new features, rules, and, of course, rewards. The full schedule is now available, so you can get ready for the big adventure.

Here is what you need to know.

Battle League Season 8 Release Date

Niantic has just confirmed the release date of the brand-new season of Pokemon Go Battle League. As always, we have plenty of time to enrol in the new season, but some cups will be available only between set dates.

Battle League Season 8 will air on May 31, at 1 PM PDT/ 8 PM GMT/ 4 PM ET, and it will run until August 30, at 1 PM PDT/ 8 PM GMT/ 4 PM ET.

All your rating from Season 7 will reset!

Battle League Season 8 Full Schedule 

Here are all the upcoming cups that you shouldn’t miss out:

  1. The Great League: May 31 – June 14;
  2. The Ultra League: June 14 – June 28;
  3. The Master League Classic, The Element Cup, and The Master League: June 28 – July 12;
  4. The Great League Remix and The Great League: July 12 – July 26;
  5. The Ultra League Remix and The Ultra League: July 26 – August 9;
  6. The Ultra League Premier Cup, The Master League, and The Master League Classic: August 9 – August 23;
  7. All 3 Leagues: August 23 – August 30.

Battle League Season 8 Rank-up Encounters

Ranking up in the new season will bring you exclusive encounters. In addition, you can grow your collection and get a chance to catch incredibly rare Pokemon.

If you reach the Legendary rank, you’ll get Pikachu Libre as a reward, but the following stuff as well:

  • Rank 1: Machamp;
  • Rank 2: Machoke, Sableye, Ariados, Snover, and more;
  • Rank 5: Mienfoo;
  • Rank 5 and more: Mienfoo + all ‘mon available at previous ranks;
  • Rank 10: Toxicroak, male Frillish, Stunfisk + previous ranks Pokemon;
  • Rank 15: Skarmony, Rufflet, and Scraggy + previous ranks;
  • Rank 20: the Legendary ‘mon available at that time in five-star raids + previous ranks;
  • Veteran rank: Gible + previous ranks;
  • Expert rank: Deino + previous ranks;
  • Legend rank: Pikachu Libre.

At Legend rank, you’ll get the Korrina Pose, while at the Expert rank, the rewards include the Korrina-Style Outfit, the Korrina-Style Top and Pants. The Veteran rank and the Ace one will also grant you the Korrina-Style Shoes, respectively, the Korrina-Style Gloves.

Battle League Season 8: the Return of Fight Nights

Season 8 is full of surprises, and we’ll finally witness the return of Fight Nights!

The available Fight Nights will be:

  • June 3;
  • July 11;
  • August 26.

Be sure not to miss one and grab some extra Stardust!




Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.