Protect the Soil: Microbiologists Warn Us of Possible Threats

Soil health is as significant as water or air quality. There are approximately 50,000 species of micro-organism/gram of soil, and we shouldn’t ignore this.

Any addition of certain microbes can shape the soil traits, such as boosting fertility, turning barren land into farming land, and even removing contaminants. 

The Microbiology Society recently released a statement discussing the best ways to collaborate with farmers to enhance soil health and agricultural productivity. If you think soil health matters, you also need to know this.

Soil Health Awareness: What Should You Know

Farming and excessive use of fertilizers have huge impacts on soil health. Such things happen for too much time, and we should put a stop before it’s not too late.

Microbiology is ideal because we can use it to help understand all the effects of excessive ploughing and develop appropriate mitigation techniques.

To raise awareness, a team of researchers published a new study. They discussed how essential it is to collaborate with farmers to boost soil health.

They also suggest that sustainable soil management techniques should follow only agricultural requirements.

Study insights

According to recent findings, the UK is anticipated to be 30 to 40 years away from something called “fundamental eradication of soil fertility.” Researchers warn that if current decline rates are not improved, there might be less than 50 harvests left in the world’s soil.

Moving to the EU, the soil health issue is raised here as one of the highest priorities. Many global initiatives are resurfacing in the field of soil protection.

The UK might want to follow such a path and strengthen active communities working together to enhance the uptake and growth of new sustainable land management methods.

What You Can Do to Protect the Soil

We must understand that soil is one of our most valuable natural resources. We don’t have to be farmers or gardeners to take care of the soil. 

However, you can try to:

  • reduce food waste;
  • eat a diverse diet;
  • compost;
  • perform soil tests;
  • read the labels on garden and lawn products.
Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.