Rubber Ducks Challenge in Fortnite Season 7 – Where to Place Them

We’ve seen how far Fortnite went with aliens, but rubber ducks? New weapons, exclusive cosmetics, and crazy encounters are pretty much everything you’ll get now on the Island. 

The best part is that the weekly challenges are back, and Epic has more in store for us than we can imagine, including Rubber Ducks and multiple POIs. 

Here’s how you can complete one of the most recent challenges in Fortnite.

Where to Place Rubber Ducks: Tips & Tricks

One of the most recent weekly quests is to place Rubber Ducks in various locations. As easy as it might sound, well, let’s say it’s better not to live with expectations.

The challenge includes placing Rubber Ducks at Pleasant Park, Believer Beach, and Retail Row. You’ll find it a bit complicated at first to find these locations, but we’ve got your back.

Believer Beach

If this location doesn’t ring you any bells, don’t worry. Epic renamed the famous Sweaty Sands with Believer Beach!

Head to Believer Beach, and the Rubber Duck location will be by the swimming pool.

Pleasant Park

Our next stop is Pleasant Park! You have to go near the gas station and place the second Rubber Duck. This one will be pretty easy.

Retail Row

The last stop on the map: Retail Row. Your spot for the third Rubber Duck is right at the basketball court.

You can see all the Rubber Ducks locations on this map:

Other Details

Each challenge should be done in time, as Epic will add more quests next week. The weekly quests are perfect for earning some sweet XP and credits that you can use to unlock sleek skins, like Superman.

Stay tuned for more Fortnite news, guides, and updates!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.