Sideways Showdown Week Has Begun in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 – How to Complete the Quests

Source: Epic Games

Get ready for the Sideways Showdown Week in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2! The event has just started, and there’s a new set of Sideways Showdown Quests to complete and grab some sweet XP.

The Wild Weeks are back just in time as a new season will soon start. The first round of Sideways Showdown Week brings the Sideways Weapons and a set of some of the challenging quests. From upgrading weapons and dealing damage to overheating a gun.

We’ve compiled a sleek list of everything you need to know, and we’ll keep it updated as long as necessary.

Sideways Showdown Quests Week 1

The quests aren’t live yet, but several leakers shared them. That means they could be added soon or changed a bit, so you better take everything with a pinch of salt!

Check out all the Sideways Showdowns Quests in Fortnite:

  • Damage enemy players with Sideways Weapons (10000)
  • Damage enemy players with Sideways Weapons (1500)
  • Upgrade a Sideways Weapon at an Upgrade Bench (1)
  • Collect a Sideways Minion and a Sideways Rifle in a single match (2)
  • Damage enemy players with Sideways Weapons (500)
  • Damage enemy players with Sideways Weapons (4500)
  • Overheat any Sideways gun (1)
Source: Epic Games

As previously said, the Sideways Showdown Quests aren’t live yet. They could easily kick in soon, or they might have been ditched, as you can see below:

  • Damage enemy players from 40 or more meters with the Sideways Rifle (15)
  • Defeat IO Forces with the Sideways Minigun (5)

Sideways Showdown Quests in Fortnite: How to Complete Them?

Completing the quests might prove challenging, but the rewards are worth your time! If you want to find the Sideways Minigun and Sideways Rifle and upgrade them, you can check out this guide.

Next, overheating a Sideways gun is quite simple. You have to fire it continuously to reach full power and start to overheat. As for defeating IO Forces, you have to visit an area where the IO has control: the Command Cavern or The Collider.

That’s all for now.

Stay tuned for more Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.