Study of Over 300,000 Women Reveals That Breast Cancer Risk Increases If You Consume These Diets

Statistics show that in every minute, somewhere across the world, at least a woman dies from breast cancer. That means over 1,400 women dying from the disease every single day. While there’s still no certain cure available for breast cancer, learning how to decrease the risk of developing it remains pretty much the best option. writes about a new frightening study done by researchers from the Catalan Institute of Oncology, WHO (World Health Organization), and Imperial College in London on more than 300,000 women. If you’re a woman who enjoys eating diets full of fried food, sugar, meat, and butter, like many, the researchers have bad news for you: such meals will increase the risk of breast cancer.

Breast cancer risk increases as much as 12 percent

The foods mentioned above are linked to inflammation, stress for the body that can grow the risk of illness. The women surveyed who ate more of the inflammatory foods had about a 12% higher risk of dealing with breast cancer.

Luckily, there’s also good news: if you regularly consume fruits, vegetables, tea, and coffee, the inflammation might be reduced, and the cancer risk will decrease.
Carlota Castro-Espin, who is an author of the study, declared:

People consume food not nutrients, thus examining overall dietary patterns, rather than single components of diets can lead to more accurate conclusions when analyzing associations with a health outcome such as breast cancer.

Only in the US, 1 in 8 women is diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Almost 95% of all cases of breast cancer from the same country occur for women who are at least 40 years old.
The new research was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition.

Cristian Antonescu
Cristian is in love with technology, as are many of us. He has a vast experience as a content writer in the field. He's involved especially in the hardware area, where he covers the latest news regarding smartphones, laptops, PC components, and so on.