If you remember the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie from 2018, you clearly couldn’t remain unmoved by the battle between Broly and Gogeta. The legendary Super Saiyan was way too strong for both Goku and Vegeta. As a result, the beloved Saiyans had only one chance to take Broly down: using the fusion technique to become either Vegito or Gogeta.
The merged Goku and Vegeta known as Gogeta fought a long and brave fight against Broly, and the outcome probably left everyone speechless. It was clearly one of the most intense Dragon Ball fights ever, and the creators of Dragon Ball know that very well. There’s no wonder why they’ve decided to make a rematch between the two characters in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, and you can check out the result below:
やっぱりゴジータは"最強"じゃなきゃ駄目なんよ。#UGM7弾 #DragonBall #超ヒーローズ王決定戦2023 pic.twitter.com/itRQ1Ycioc
— ふがちょ (@fugari426) February 12, 2023
Dragon Ball Super: Broly is a fan-favorite film for those who love to see some major butt-kicking and over-the-top action scenes. The movie follows the legendary Saiyan warrior, Broly, as he goes head-to-head against Goku, Vegeta, and their friends. The film is filled with intense battles, powerful transformations, and enough energy blasts to light up a small city.
Despite the expectations of most fans, the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie presented the legendary Super Saiyan as he was after Vegeta instead of Goku. The father of the Saiyan Prince, meaning the king of all Saiyans, has apparently done something terrible in the past. As a result, Broly was eager to get revenge on the king’s son, meaning Vegeta.
The 2018 movie also stood out for presenting perhaps the most impressive power boost in Dragon Ball history. Broly was capable of improving tremendously as he fought. From going toe to toe with base form Vegeta, Broly was able to confront Gogeta hours or even minutes after that.
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