Black holes, often depicted as the deadly creatures of cosmos, ripping apart stars, devouring everything that gets too near, and trapping light, are now taking on a less evil role in the newest Hubble Space Telescope study.  Detailed data from ...

Because we can’t detect black holes, we don’t know how many there are in the vast Universe. But it doesn’t imply we don’t have any options for figuring it out. Stellar-mass black holes are the crumpled cores of dead big ...

Black holes are scary enough not to look further into the depths of the Universe. These savages beasts rest at the galaxies’ centers, weighing millions of times the mass of the Sun. They’re also the most mysterious objects that continue ...

Astronomers already knew that Palomar 5 is a unique star cluster, and it’s located over 75,000 light-years away from Earth. While trying to understand the source of the cluster’s unique features, an international team of scientists led by the University ...

The Universe witnesses some of the most impossible and curious space events, such as stars passing away, galaxy formation, or supermassive black hole creating chaos. A recent discovery takes us 13.1 billion years ago when the Universe was just a ...

Black holes are usually resting at the core of almost every sufficiently large galaxy. So these cosmic features have their way with the galaxies, affecting only a small part around the galaxy’s centre. But how’s that really happening? Some predictions ...

Earth has now quite the sneaky neighbour, and astronomers have all the details. A tiny black hole, approximately 1,500 light-years from Earth, in the Monoceros constellation, it’s excitingly close by. As per astronomers’ calculations, we have nothing to worry about, ...

A long-standing theory claims a supermassive black hole is capable of lots of things, including wandering through space. A black hole alone is scary enough, but imagine one in motion. How is this possible? Recently, astronomers have spotted a supermassive ...

Neutron stars and black holes might be one of the deadliest squads we’ve ever seen. Small black holes could exist in the core of neutron stars with only one mission: devour the host. Astronomers have chosen recently a different approach, ...

If supermassive black holes don’t confuse you enough, well, SLABS are going to leave you in awe. New research indicates the possible existence of SLABS, also known as stupendously large black holes. These are even more significant than the supermassive ...